Page 2 of Beautiful Beast

My father is one of the most powerful men in New York. It’s no wonderhewanted a part of it.

It’s also no wonder my father wanted a part of my future husband’s power. Any way to become untouchable in this city is a win for a Bratva man.

And I’m just a pawn, like every other woman is.

I don’t have any agency as I walk down the aisle. If I did, I would scream and run away. In fact, I already tried that, and it got me nowhere.

I’ve fought against this being my fate, but I can fight it no longer. It’s happening. I’m marrying a monster today.

I reach the pew that Nadia is in. On instinct, I reach my hand out for her, and she reaches out for me. Our fingertips brush each other’s …

… right before my father yanks me away from her. It’s a subtle movement. Only the people closest to us can see it happen. Which means my soon-to-be husband saw it.

When I work up the courage to meet him in the eye, I see he’s staring at me with a darkness that makes me shiver. He must like seeing the pain in my eyes. He must love it.

“Don’t,” my father growls at me. “Don’t ruin this for me.”

For him. It’s always been about him.

One more step. Then one more step.

Then …

I have arrived at the end of the aisle.

My father’s hand clenches my arm hard. I’ll probably bruise, though it’s not the first time he’s bruised me.

Meeting my father’s eyes, he gives me a look that tells me not to mess this opportunity up for him.

I don’t want to acknowledge him. I don’t want to give him any assurances. He can go to hell for all I care.

But I have to think about Nadia, so I nod.

He lets me go. The skin on my arm turns ghost white before quickly reddening.

My hand is in the air for a moment, floating. Free.

And thenhetakes my hand in his, and I have no choice but to step onto the small dais and stand before him.

The music stops. The guests are quiet. I could hear a pin drop. Maybe one of the pins in my red hair will fall out andclatter to the floor and cause a commotion so I don’t have to marry this man.

This intimidatingly handsome yet terrifying man.

The priest next to us opens his hands. “Let us begin.”

Erik Koslov smiles down at me. It’s not a kind smile. It’s a smile that says,I own you now.

I hate for it to happen, but my hand trembles. He feels it, too.

And his smile deepens into something even darker than before. It’s a smile from hell. Because I’m about to marry the devil himself.

One week before the wedding

My favorite thing to do is piss off my father.

It’s surprisingly easy to do. Or not—since he tends to get upset with everything and everyone in life.

Case in point, today, I pissed him off because I accidently knocked over a cup, it hit the floor, and now, glass is everywhere.