Page 24 of Beautiful Beast

“He hasn’t done anything. But as long as we’re still in each other’s lives, I know I’ll be safe. He can’t keep us from seeing each other.”

He might, but there’s no point telling Nadia that. It’ll only make her worry more.

“Just promise me that if he tries to hurt you, you’ll run away.”

“And go where?” she asks, leaning against the counter. “I couldn’t escape with you. What makes you think I would be able to escape on my own?”

“You need to be brave, Nadia. I need you to be brave.”

She hugs her arms around herself. “You were always the brave one. Not me. I need you to be brave for me.”

“You know I will be. But I need you to try. I need you to try and stay safe from Father. I couldn’t bear the idea of you getting hurt.”

“Maybe Erik will let me live with you.”

I go still. Nadia around Erik is the last thing I want. If I don’t trust our father, then I trust Erik even less. At least with our father, Nadia knows his moods. She can plan for it. She can avoid him when he’s angry.

But I have no idea what Erik will do, and for that, I can’t risk Nadia being around him.

“Maybe,” I say lamely.

A knock on the bathroom door makes us both jump.

“Girls, come out of there.” It’s our father.

Nadia gives me one more quick hug. “Stay safe.” She’s out the door before I can say anything else.

After a long moment, I follow her.

Father motions her back toward the ballroom, and she obediently goes. Then he turns the full force of his glare onto me. “What did you two talk about?”


“It’s never nothing with you, Anya.” He grabs my face and pushes me against the wall. There’s no one else in the hallway. “What were you talking about?”

“Nothing,” I repeat. “We just hugged and talked about my wedding. That was it.”

He glares at me. “You will never see her again.”


“You heard me.” He lets my face go, but in the process, he pushes my head against the wall. I wince from the sting of it. “I need you on your best behavior around Erik. I can’t have you ruining what I’ve been building with him. So, to keep you in line, I’m going to keep you from Nadia. After this wedding, you will never see her again.”

“You can’t keep her from me.”

“She’s a minor. So, I can do whatever I want with her. This is your punishment, Anya. Be a good wife to Erik, and I won’t hurt Nadia. Simple as that.”

“What happens when she turns eighteen?”

“I’ll just marry her to someone who’ll make a good business partner. One who can expand my business even more. Maybe then you’ll be able to see her. But maybe not. And I know youwon’t want to risk your sister’s safety, so do as I say. Be a good wife to Erik. Don’t piss him off.”

“Why are you already acting like I’ve done exactly that?”

“Haven’t you?”

I stare at my father aghast. I’ve always known he was a bad man, but this is taking it too far. Beating me was one thing, but preventing me from seeing my sister just to control me is too much. I might die inside if I never get to see Nadia again.

“If you hurt one hair on her head,” I say in a low voice, “I will hurt you.”