Page 108 of Beautiful Beast

“How did you get into your line of work?” I ask. Might as well pass the time before I’m murdered. Unless Erik can find me. That is, if he’s truly looking for me.

“Why do you care?”

“I don’t. I’m just curious how one becomes a hitman.”

“You learn how to shoot a gun from a young age, and it’s the only thing you’re good at. It just makes sense.”

“But how do you become a hitman exactly? Is there a form you fill out?”

“Funny. Does Erik like your humor?”

I press my hands against my legs to keep them from shaking. “I’m not sure what Erik likes. We’re not exactly close.” But we were starting to get there, and that gave me hope. I don’t want to lose that.

“You become a hitman by knowing the right people. They hire you to do a job, and then they tell others about you. It’s fairly simple when all’s said and done.”

“You make it sound like another day at the office.”

“For me, it is.” Aiden makes a point of taking out his gun to clean it.

“Do you really kill innocent people? If Dante came in here and told you to shoot me in the head, would you?”

“I would. And I wouldn’t even hesitate.”

I fall silent after that. Talking with Aiden won’ get me anywhere. I need to escape and get back home. It’s the only way I’ll be safe. My eyes fall on a vase on the side table. It could be used as a weapon, but I would have to grab it and chuck it atAiden first, and that was assuming he wouldn’t shoot me in the process.

As I consider what to do, the front door bangs open and in storms Dante, blood dripping from his arm. Finn is right behind him.

“Damn him,” Dante mutters.

“Did Erik do that?” I ask.

He shoots me a withering look. “Your husband is a problem.” He nods at Aiden. “Shoot her. But take her somewhere else. I don’t want to get blood on my couch.” He storms into the bathroom and slams the door behind him.

“Come on,” Aiden says, grabbing my arm. “Let’s go.”

“You’re just going to kill me? Please. Don’t do this.”

“He pays me. It’s my job. It’s nothing personal.”

His words remind of me when I first married Erik and he told me nothing was personal. That I was used to help him gain power. That was all. And now, I’m going to be used to hurt Erik—if Erik will even be upset when I’m gone.

Aiden walks me out of the apartment building without anyone noticing the gun pressed into my back. The streets are crowded. This is my chance. There’s no way Aiden will shoot me in front of this many people.

I force my body to go slack, and he looks at me with a frown. Using that to my advantage, I stomp on his foot and pull away from him and run down the street, screaming as I go. “That man is trying to hurt me!”

People look in my direction, then Aiden’s. He doesn’t follow. His only reaction is to turn around and casually walk back inside.

“Help me!” I keep screaming. “Help me!” I run into a group of women and beg them to pay attention.

“We’ll help you,” one of the ladies says. “Are you hurt? What do you need?”

“I just need to get home. Please. I need a ride. I can pay.”

After some deliberation, the women decide to give me a ride back home. They’re kind and don’t push me for too many answers because I don’t have any answers to give. To explain what happened would be to tell them I’m married to a mob boss, and I can’t tell them that. It would only bring the police involved, and honestly, I don’t want Erik getting arrested for anything.

When I first married him, I would’ve love to have seen him taken away in handcuffs, but now …

The moment I see Erik’s large house behind the large gate, I practically sob. “Thank you.”