He wavers. “I would kill anyone who went after the people I loved. But I don’t love anyone.”
“I can’t give her up, Erik. Please. Just stop. This is pointless. You’re only going to make me hate you more.”
“I don’t care about that.”
“Don’t you care about anything?”
He looks taken aback by the question. “I’m not sure.”
“Do you not care for me at all?”
“Anya …”
“Don’t put me through this. Please, Erik. Just stop.”
“Just tell me where Nadia is.”
I look him straight in the eye and answer. “No.”
He grabs the vibrator again. “Then I’m sorry.”
That’s when we hear it. Footsteps in the hallway. Erik freezes, then slowly sets the vibrator back down.
He looks down at me and smirks. He knows.
“I see what you did there, Anya. It all makes sense. You didn’t have any money to take Nadia anywhere, so why not take her here? The last place I’d think to look.”
“Nadia, run!” I shout.
But Erik is already running out the door. I struggle against my binds, but they’re too tight. I’m stuck.
I hear Nadia scream, then Erik is bringing her into the room. Her eyes widen when she sees me strapped to the bed, naked.
Erik undoes my binds, and I quickly wrap the blanket around myself.
“What were you thinking?” I ask her.
“I heard you screaming. I had to know you were ok.”
Erik chuckles. “Isn’t this rich. Both sisters trying to protect each other. Oh, Nadia. If you had just stayed hidden, I probably never would’ve found you in my home. Your sister was doing a good job of withstanding my torture.”
“I’ll return home,” she says. “Just leave Anya alone. Please. Don’t hurt her anymore.”
“I won’t. But you might want to talk to your sister about that. If you two keep trying to save each other, it’s only going to lead to more heartbreak between you two.”
Nadia bows her head. “I know. Just take me back to my father’s house. I’ll face the consequences.”
“No!” I shout. “He will beat you, Nadia. You know Father will. Please, Erik. Let her stay with us. At least I know you won’t hit her. Please.”
“She belongs with your father. She’s only seventeen. I can’t keep her here. Come on, Nadia. I’ll take you home. Say goodbye to your sister.”
Nadia doesn’t even look at me as she whispers, “Goodbye.”
“Erik, please!” I sob. But he’s done listening.
I run after them as they head downstairs. I trip on the blanket and stumble down the steps. Erik catches me before I face plant on the ground.
He holds me for a beat longer than necessary before letting me go. “Stay here, Anya. I’m taking Nadia home now.”