“Where is she?” he asks again.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about?”
He scoffs. “Don’t play dumb with me, girl. I know you came over to my house. I know Nadia got into your car. Simon told me. So, where is she?”
I stare back at my father and don’t say a word. He raises his hand. I instinctually flinch, but before his hand reaches my face, it stops.
Because Erik has grabbed my father’s wrist and is holding it back.
“Do not hit her,” Erik says in a low voice. “I’ve already spoken to you about that.”
“We should try talking with her,” the other man suggests.
“Who are you?” I ask.
“This is Ivan Romanov, our other business partner.”
“Nice to meet you,” he says, extending his hand out to me. Slowly, I take it, and he helps pull me to my feet. “I don’t believe in hitting girls. I believe in talking to them kindly. Now, Anya, the little bit I know is that you’re protective of your sister. Is that right?”
I don’t say a word.
Ivan nods like I’ve spoken. “Of course. You just want to keep her safe. I’ve heard of the deal your father and husband made to marry her to Viktor Smirnov. A scary man, but a decent one from what I know of him. You just want to protect your sister,but taking her away from her father is not protecting her. If she’s out there in the city somewhere, she could be in more danger. Do you want that for your sister?”
I still don’t say anything.
Ivan shares a look with Erik and my father before he smiles at me. “Your sister will be safe.”
“No, she won’t,” I hiss. “Not when my father likes to beat us.”
“Only you, insolent girl,” Father hisses back.
“That’s bullshit. You’ve hit Nadia. You’ll only hurt her more.”
“I will not. I married you to Erik, didn’t I? You should be grateful I did. You now have power and prestige. More power and prestige than any other woman in the Bratva. You should be on your knees thanking me.”
“I will never thank you.”
He raises his hand again, and once more, Erik grabs it and tosses it back toward my father’s side.
Ivan tries again. “Anya, think about the power and prestige Nadia could have being married to Viktor. He is betrothed to her. Think about how upset he’ll be if he finds out you kidnapped his future bride. He might try and come after you. You might’ve just ruined the deal your husband made. I’m sure that doesn’t feel good, does it?”
I take in Ivan’s open, warm face and his cozy sweater and slacks, and scoff. “You look like Mr. Rogers, but you’re just as manipulative as my father and husband. You’re trying to guilt trip me into giving up my sister, and I won’t do that.”
“You have to think about more than yourself, Anya,” Erik cuts in. “Ivan has a point. Pissing off Viktor will only weaken us. When Dante decides to strike—and he will strike at some point—we need all the power we can get against him. Just tell us where Nadia is, and all will be forgiven.”
“And if I don’t give my sister up?”
Erik’s eyes darken. “Then things will be unpleasant for you.”
A chill creeps up my spine. I try not to let it show on my face how afraid I am.
But Erik notices. He’s too damn observant.
“Anya, I have ways of making you talk. I’m an expert torturer. If you give Nadia up, I won’t have to torture you at all. Things can be easy for you.”
“I would rather die than give my sister up,” I spit at him.
Erik doesn’t look fazed one bit. “Then so be it.” He turns to my father and Ivan. “Gentleman, you may go.”