The thought of it sends a sick pulse through my body, a mixture of rage and need.
Fuck him.
I love him so much.
He needs space, so, okay, I’ll give him what he needs.
I pick up my phone and stare at his contact picture, the one I took at the pool in Hilton Head. God, he’s so fine. I can’t stop staring.
The temptation to call him gnaws at me, but I know better. Crying, calling, texting, none of it will help. Anything you chase in life runs away.
I'll let him think he's free.
For now.
I don’t remember driving home, but I’m in the driveway, so it must have gone well.
My whole day has been like this, a series of vignettes my brain is showing me that I can’t remember being a part of.
I think I’m dissociating.
I stop in the doorway of Daddy’s room on my way in.
His eyes are open, but he won’t look at me.
I cross the threshold, dragging my fingernail along the doorframe. His mouth twitches, but he doesn’t move.
“You should be grateful,” I mutter. “I could’ve let you die.”
He looks at me, finally. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was angry.
The nerve.
My fingers twitch at my sides, itching to grab a pillow, press it down, and finish what I started.
But not tonight.
Tonight, I have something more important to do.
I grab two bottles of water from the kitchen, because I read somewhere that you can live two weeks without food, but only two days without water.
Maybe Ace dumping me for a few days won’t be so bad. I’ll be snatched when this is all over.
Upstairs, I stare at my reflection through my phone’s camera. My face is pale under the glow of my ring light. My skin looks thin. Eyes red and puffy.
I look weak.
But I hit LIVE anyway, because I need to feel seen.
“Hey, y’all,” I croon, forcing a smile. “It’s late, but I had to show y’all my new foundation.”
I hold up the bottle, surprised when my hand shakes. My voice doesn’t sound like me. It’s a little too bright, like I’m wearing a mask that’s peeling back at the edges.
“I’ve been going through it,” I admit, my voice catching. “But no matter what happens in life, we never let anybody see us without our face on.”
I finally look down at my viewer count. 198. A new high.