Angela Taylor doesn’t do casual invitations. She doesn’t do casualanything, not even with family.
But I ignored the red flags.
I pulled into the driveway behind Kam’s Rover, which was parked behind Vanessa’s Jag. Family dinner, I told myself, growing excited by the prospect. I walked up the driveway thinking damn, they probably planned a celebration for me about the article. That’s why Mama was so stoic in her response to it. She knew she had this planned.
I smiled walking in the front door, thinking I was about to get some acknowledgment, but the moment I stepped inside the dining room, I knew I played myself.
So here I am, the last one to join the party even though I’m five minutes early. Mama sits at the head of the table, a glass of wine cradled in her hand. Pop’s across from her, fingers laced together, expression unreadable. Kamryn’s sitting in front of the China cabinet, scrolling her phone. Vanessa’s beside her, looking like she doesn’t wanna be here.
It’s tense as fuck in here.
Nobody’s smiling.
Nobody even greets me.
And ain’t even so much as a piece of bread on the table.
I sigh, dragging a hand over my jaw. “What happened?”
Mama doesn’t even blink. “Sit down.”
I don’t, not yet. “I take it this isn’t about the article?”
Kamryn scoffs. “Yeah, no. We actuallylikethat part of your life.”
Vanessa snickers as I pull out a chair and take a seat.
“This is about your girlfriend,” Mama says.
Of course it is.
I glance at Pop, but he just shakes his head like he’s been through this battle and already lost.
“What about her?” I ask.
Mama sets her glass on the table. “She didn’t go to Spelman.”
I know this already. I had actually planned to go by her place after dinner and break up with her.
But I don’t react.
Kam leans forward, resting her elbows on the table. “And that’s not even the worst part.”
I arch an eyebrow. “What else?”
She smirks like she’s been waiting for this moment her entire life. “I finally figured out where I’ve seen her before.”
I fold my arms, unimpressed. “Prison?”
Mama rolls her eyes.
“Ha ha,” Kam deadpans. “But, no. I saw her years ago. On TikTok.”
“Yeah. She has a channel.”
“Yeah. And guess what?”
She unlocks her phone, swipes a few times, and shoves it in my face.