feelinmyzelf08 That’s not—
calliope77 You doin too much
sugesuga We still ride, but we not dyin no more sis
I smile, curling my lashes before swiping on a light layer of mascara. The comments keep rolling in, many of them expressing concern.
“I see you, chat. Your concern is noted.” I swipe on some lip gloss and press my lips together before blowing a kiss at the camera.
“But I said what I said.”
I don’t usually do this kind of thing.
And by that, I mean dropping a couple thousand dollars on a woman on a whim just because she had a bad day.
But Raya isn’t just any woman, which is why I’m sitting here, parked in her driveway with a bouquet of pink roses and a brand-new Louis Vuitton bag riding shotgun.
I also don’t usually pop up all unannounced and eager to surprise. But I wanna see the look on her face when she sees what I brought her.
She mentioned wanting a bag when we were in Hilton Head. I ain’t into women’s fashion like that, but between Vanessa, Kamryn, and most of the women I’ve dated, I know quality when I see it. Raya’s bags have all been trash. But that ain’t her fault. She doesn’t make enough to buy what she wants.
So here I am togiveher what she wants.
I look around me, still not loving this neighborhood. The sun hasn’t fully set, so there’s still some light out here, but shit still looks dangerous. A few YNs glare at me from a porch down the block, making me glance at my glove box. I’m licensed to carry and all, but I’ve never had to actually use my gun. I’m not trying to use it today, either.
Funny, last time I was here, it was pitch black and way more threatening, and yet I walked my happy ass around the side of the house without even thinking about arming myself.
Power of the pussy.
At least I’m walking up to the front door this time.
I step out, flowers and gift in hand, and approach the house. It’s dark except for a single light glowing behind the curtains. The same eerie stillness from last time settles over me. No TV sounds. No music playing. Just the chirp of crickets in the thick late summer air.
I knock.
A few seconds pass before the door creaks open, but instead of Raya, a young woman in scrubs stands in the doorway.
Not what I was expecting. I pause. “Uh…hey. Is Raya here?”
She blinks up at me, her eyes widening slightly before getting stuck on my face. “Um…ahem…she’s not home yet.”
I nod. “Cool. Can you let her know I came by?”
She smiles. “Yes. But, who are you?”
“Oh. My bad.” I laugh, despite my discomfort. “I’m Ace.”
She stares.
“Raya’s boyfriend.”
No recognition at all behind those big brown eyes. “Nice to meet you,” she says softly.
Then her gaze drops to my hands, and she gets that dreamy look some women get when they see presents. “You should come in!” she says, suddenly bright and eager. “She shouldn’t be long.”