She snatches her arm away. “Unfortunately for you, your word means exactly nothing at this point.”
Her words cause a sharp sting of regret.
“Damn, girl. You on my neck right now. But, you’re right,” I admit. “What do I need to do?”
Her eyes narrow as she studies my face. It feels like she’s weighing something, trying to decide if I’m worth the energy.
“Plan the date,” she says. “Right now.”
“I don’t know what you like.”
Her expression doesn’t change.
I don’t even know shorty yet, but somehow I already know what that look means.
I exhale and rush out, “Velvet Lounge.”
“I don’t like lounges.”
“La Belle Vie?”
Finally, she smiles, and I let out a breath. I was actually scared for a minute. I felt like I had something to lose, which is weird, because, again, I don’t know this girl.
“Alright, cool,” I say. “Saturday.”
“Tomorrow,” she corrects. “Remember, I don’t like my time wasted.”
“Well, shit. What time? Apparently, we’re onyourschedule.”
She laughs, and fuck, it’s sexy. Low and throaty, like she has a secret she wants to share, but only after she makes me beg.
“Seven works for me,” she says. “I’ll meet you there. You can’t pick me up yet. You might be crazy.”
“That works for me,” I say. “Not that it matters, apparently.”
She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, and my dick twitches so hard, I have to shift my stance.
“It’ll all be worth it,” she purrs, dragging a finger lightly down my jaw. “I promise you that.”
I can’t speak. Shit, I can’t even move. I just nod and watch her walk away, switching them hips like the motherfucking rent is due. I stay frozen in that spot long enough for Kam to reappear at my side with her receipt in hand.
“Who was that?”
None of your goddamn businessis what Iwannasay, but Kamryn is like a bloodhound. It’s way worse when I try to hide shit from her. Only two years older than me and acts like she’s my mama.
“Chick I just met,” I say. “I’m taking her out tomorrow.”
Kamryn’s eyes follow Raya’s retreating figure, her lips twisting in obvious disapproval.
“I don’t know about that one.”
“You didn’t even meet her.”
“She’s too pretty.”
I frown at that. “Shiddddd…ain’t no such thing, Kam.”
She shakes her head like a disappointed parent. “You’ve never met a woman that’s just, like,toogood to be true?”