There’s a saying…I don’t know who said it, but all men have heard it.
Never stick your dick in crazy.
She’s not. I mean, she could be, but I don’t want her to be. I want her to be real. I’m enjoying this too much.
“I knew the minute I saw her, Ace. Remember? She’s trouble.”
I bristle. “Funny, cuz I don’t remember ever judging you for the some of the niggas you’ve been with.”
She snorts. “Yeah, and I’m not with them anymore.”
“Who says I’m with Raya? We’re just kickin’ it.”
EvenIdon’t believe that shit.
Kamryn sighs. “Okay. Just…keep your eyes open.”
“Bye, Kam.”
Now I’m wondering what my mother thinks. I have no doubt they’ve gotten on the phone, wine in hand, and cackled over how stupid Ace is for messing around with a lying weirdo. I didn’t miss the looks they shot each other that day.
It’s funny, because I didn’t mind it with Kenzie. I used those looks as a litmus test and let the data guide me out the door. But with Raya, I don’t like it. The minute she walked through the back gate all soft and quiet and unsure, my protective instinct kicked in.
Whatever’s going on, I’ll get to the bottom of it. Me. Not my sister. Not my mama.
Especially not my mama.
Her concern’s probably performative anyway, so it’s whatever.
Somebody knocks on my door.
The knock is soft.Toosoft. Man or woman, everybody on my team knocks like they’re the fucking police.
I know it’s her.
I keep my posture relaxed, taking a seat behind my desk and leaning back, stretching out. I’m giddy as hell, but I don’t call out. I don’t invite her ass in. I make her wait. She’s gon’ feel it just like I did.
Finally, the door creaks open, and there she is.
The dress clings to her body like a second skin, highlighting curves I can’t possibly ignore. She steps inside, slow and purposeful, savoring the moment and the goofy ass look I’m sure is on my face. She doesn’t walk over to me, she glides.
And she smells good. Sweet. Lickable.
I wonder if my team has gotten back to work yet. Every last one of them stopped what they were doing when she walked by, I know they did.
“I was in the area,” she says. “Thought I’d stop by.”
I arch an eyebrow. “Yeah? Just happened to be around?”
She licks her lips. “Something like that.”
You can google the work site if you know where to look. And there’s GPS, if you’re so inclined. But I don’t think too hard about it. I’m not sure I wanna know.
I’mcertainI don’t care.