Page 53 of Call Me Mrs. Taylor

His yellow gaze drifts to the wall behind me. I turn and check, because being in here is always creepy, but there’s nothing there. Of course there isn’t.

I lean forward and lower my voice. “There’s just one little hitch. His family is trash. Not like ours is, because why would I jump out of a frying pan into a fire?” I laugh bitterly. “They suck in a different way. But I’ll handle that soon. It’s the only way to get Ace to marry me.”

He flinches, because I think he understands exactly what that means.

“Anyway,” I say, stretching my arms lazily above my head. “Tori will be here in a couple of weeks. Isn’t that exciting?”

His eyes slam shut.

“Aww, you don’t wanna see your little sister?”

No response.

“Don’t worry. It’s not aboutyouthis time.”

I snicker as I leave the room, knowing that’ll probably make him fill his diaper for the evening.

Oh well.

Not my problem.

Faith left the chicken pot pie on the stove. I transfer it out of its carton and into a bowl, then deliver it, and a spoon, back to daddy’s room.

One of these days, I’ll finally be rid of him.



We’re rolling along.

The first firm the city hired did a respectable job prepping the site, but I ordered a second Geotech survey just to be absolutely sure. The city didn’t like it, but they want this shit built right just like I do.

Besides, it’s my site. My rules. My build.

I stand just outside my trailer, scanning the progress, nodding as Jamal goes over the rebar placement.

“I want another check tomorrow,” I say, and he nods, wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

“Got you, boss.”

We’re still behind schedule, but with the way things are going, we might be able to catch up.

My chest puffs out a little bit.

I should have never doubted myself. I let that little nagging voice take up residence in the back of my head and whisper bitter nothings in my ear. But this is what I do. Plans, precisions, results.

The wind shifts, carrying the scent of the river below, and for the first time all morning, I take a deep breath. Things are steady here now. Predictable. I’m in control.

Unlike my personal life.

Raya’s playing a game with me, I see that now. I haven’t texted her since yesterday, and I ain’t even worried about it. This is her way, and I just have to deal with that shit. She’ll come back when she’s ready, and I’ll be waiting, because I wanna see what happens next. It’s sheer morbid curiosity at this point.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I hope it’s her.

It’s my sister.

I step inside my trailer. “What’s up, Kam?”