Page 52 of Call Me Mrs. Taylor

Girl, lemme tell you about this new bitch Ace brought to the cookout…


Kamryn has to go. She crossed a line.

I settle against my seat, letting my head fall back. After a few deep breaths to calm myself, I think.

I can’t kill her.

Ace said they’re like twins, which means he loves the bitch, and I’m not in the business of hurting him. Not emotionally, anyway. So that’s out.

For now.

I was always gonna punish her for her mean girl bullshit. But now?

She betrayed me, and the punishment has to fit the crime.

Faith is still here when I get home.

She’s a sweet girl. A little frumpy, but sweet.

I step into Daddy’s room just as she’s rolling him in from his bath. The air smells like it always does—wrong. Like soap trying to mask decay. Like something dying slowly but still hanging on out of spite.

Daddy’s eyes widen like he’s surprised to see me. I’m sure he was relieved when he thought he’d escaped my presence today.

“Oh! Hi, Ms. Raya,” she chirps. “Bath is all done. I was just getting ready to bring in his dinner.”

I smile at her. “You know what? I can do it. Why don’t you go on home?”

Daddy stares up at Faith, his eyes wide and pleading, but she mistakes that for affection the way she always does. I’m sure that’s the case for all of her other patients, but not for Daddy.

For him? It’s fear.

“Well, okay,” she says slowly. “If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.”

She engages the brake on Daddy’s chair and gives his shoulder a pat. “It’s all warmed up, you’ll just need to plate it.”

“Will do,” I say. “Enjoy your night.”

With a goodbye smile lingering on her face, Faith exits the room. As soon as the door clicks shut, the air changes.

I turn to face him, crossing my arms over my chest. His eyes flicker away, darting toward the window like he’s plotting an escape.

I step closer, dragging my fingers along the armrest of his chair, feeling the worn-down leather crack beneath my touch.

“So…how areyou?” I say dramatically. He knows I’m taunting him, but what’s he gonna do about it?

I stare into his yellow eyes and hear Tori’s words echoing in my mind.

Maybe he’s verbal…waiting for his moment…

My eyes narrow. I just can’t see it.

“Okay, don’t tell me,” I tease. “I’ll tell you howIam.” I settle on the edge of his bed. I know it drives him crazy, Mr. No-outside-clothes-on-the-bed. I practice that in my own bedroom, but his is fair game.

“I have a boyfriend,” I say softly. “I’m in love. He’s amazing, Daddy. He’s perfect.”