I’m even more disturbed now, because I realize I’m not all that bothered by what she just told me.
I kinda like her style.
I think I have to suck Ace’s dick tonight.
My Aunt Tori—my daddy’s sister—once taught me that men are simple, and that all you have to do is keep their belly full and their balls empty.
When my mother learned of this, she cussed Aunt Tori out and refused to let me see her for a few months. I never forgot that, though, and generally, I’ve found it to be true.
I filled Ace’s belly with beef stew, sourdough rolls, and salad. He was nice enough to thank me, but I can tell something’s gnawing at him.
As he cleans the kitchen, I watch him, wondering if the stew was too salty or something.
Maybe I should have come over here in my underwear instead of trying to be funny with this t-shirt.
But he laughed, so that has to count for something.
Maybe it was something I said? Maybe the thing about Aniya?
No. That can’t be it.
It takes me a few more agonizing minutes to realize it might not be about me at all.
“You know what? I’m sorry,” I say. “I was so busy cooking, I forgot to ask how your day was.”
He wrings out the sponge, setting it on the counter next to the dish soap. He uses that ugly green Palmolive. I hate that smell, so I make a mental note to replace it.
“I mean…it was frustrating,” he says, sounding tired. “Had a couple of setbacks that have to be fixed. It’s whatever.”
I poke my lip out in sympathy. “I’m sorry, babe. Anything I can do?”
His cheeks lift like he’s never been asked that a day in his life.
“Nah. Dinner was enough.”
I nod, but he sounds defeated.
That settles it.
It’s not my favorite thing to do, I must admit, but I’m game if that’s what it takes to cheer him up. And get me a ring one day, but, you know, baby steps. I just hope he doesn’t try to return the favor, because the only thing weirder than a woman disliking blowjobs is a woman disliking getting eaten out.
I have my reasons.
“I’ll be upstairs,” I announce. “Don’t keep me waiting too long.”
His slow blink excites me. “Yes, ma’am.”
I go straight to his room and undress, shivering from the slight chill in the air. I stare at the goosebumps on my arm and will Ace to hurry up so I can get this over with.
Fuck. I hate this.