“She left a rude ass comment on my video, completely unprovoked, mind you.” She shrugs. “I wanted to get her ass back, so I went to her account, found her info, and looked at all her pages. When I was on her Insta, that’s when I found you.”
“When was this?”
She’s not even ashamed when she says, “A couple of years ago, I guess.”
“So you stalked me online for two years.” I shake my head. “And I’m assuming you were following me in person, too. That must be why I thought you looked familiar. Cuz your ass been out here on some Ted Bundy shit.”
She giggles at that. “To be fair, I didn’tkillyou.”
I don’t even know what’s happening anymore. This shit feels surreal.
“Just tell me one thing, Ace. I want the truth from you, now.”
I nod. I’m fucking tired at this point, so it’s whatever.
“Has a bitch ever wanted you and only you for two entire years? Has a bitch ever had tunnel vision for you, where she can’t evenseeanother man because she likes you so much? Has a bitch gone after you like I did? Admired you like I did? Fucked you like I did? Sucked you like I did?”
She stands and walks over to me, stopping an inch away, her pussy right in my face.
“Has anybody ever craved you like I do?” Her voice goes hoarse with need. “See for yourself, baby. Touch me.”
But I don’t need to touch her. I feel her heat. I smell her arousal. I close my eyes and let my head fall forward until it rests against her, my dick steel against my zipper.
How do I hate her and want her at the same fucking time?
She puts a hand on the back of my head. My hands go to the silky smooth skin on the back of her thighs.
The answer to all of her questions is no, but I can’t say it. Saying it would drive home how fucking hard this is for me, and she can’t know that. Giving her an inch is way too dangerous now that I know the kinda shit she does to take the mile.
So I just breathe her in for as long as I can. I don’t even stop when one of her teardrops hits the back of my neck and rolls down inside my collar.
With every bit of strength in me, I pull away, staring at the floor as I stand, knowing if I lock eyes with her, I’ll fold. She grabs my hand, pressing it against her breasts.
“Ace. Look at me.”
“I gotta go,” I say quickly, snatching away from her. As I’m walking towards her door, I realize this needs to be final. No room for misunderstanding. No room for error.
I turn to face her. “It’s over. For real. Don’t call me. Don’t text me. Don’t come to my fucking house. Leave me alone. Leave my family alone.”
Her chest caves in as a breath pushes out of her, but it’s not enough to sway me. I think about her stalking my family’s pages, Arnelle’s page, especially, and anger roils inside of me.
“I’m serious, Raya. You got too many fuckin’ issues. That shit ain’t normal. Maybe you oughta talk to a professional. Crazy ass bitch.”
Her sadness turns to anger. “Fuck you. Funny how a bitch is crazy once she starts calling you out on your bullshit.”
“Fuck you, too, honestly. I’m done,” I say. “Leave me and mine the fuck alone.”
I turn and leave without another word. Away from her. Away from her crazy bullshit.
And I pray it holds.
I think I’ll buy a new car today.