A baby that deserved better than what we’d had, that deserved everything.

I listened into the details that Nico and the guys were discussing, taking note of everything pertinent, such as the precise times for their coordinated three-pronged assault against three warehouses owned by Price, all in the same area, all of which Angelo had been moving between, according to the more in-depth investigation that Cat had been doing. She didn’t trust human intelligence alone, which was what we’d gotten from Dante and Matteo. Actually, she didn’t trust people as a rule. Outside of the three of us, anyway. Well, and Joseph Stover, who was also caught up in this shitshow. The fact that he’d basically thrust himself into it when he was in a position to simply disappear into the shadows, all to protect Cat, was a hell of a thing.

I stepped away once I’d gotten the information that I’d needed from the meeting.

Although they were letting me in on things more so now after I’d made it known that I couldn’t take the whole walking-on-eggshells routine, Milo had drawn the line at this. At me having to listen to every little detail involved in their planned takedown of Angelo and that new Marchetti-Leone partner, Shawn Price. They thought I was asleep, anyway.

I was about to get to that as I made my way down the corridor until I heard thuds coming from inside the home gym. Usually, you could expect Milo to be in there working out hard like a fucking machine, but given that he was in Nico’s office attending that meeting, it clearly could only be one other person.

I pushed open the door and peered inside to see Cat there pounding on a heavy bag. She was clad in a turquoise sports bra with matching tiny shorts, her wavy hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, the latter of which was swinging wildly from side-to-side with her fearsome movements and each ruthless punch slamming into the bag.

Sweat was dripping down her face and her body, her beautiful features twisted with determination and what looked like a whole lot of pain and frustration.

“Hey,” I spoke, shutting the door behind me and walking further into the room.

She stilled, stopping mid-punch, and swung to face me.

Her eyes went straight to my right hand and the fact that I wasn’t clutching my cane and that I didn’t have it with me at all.

It was my first time trying to move around without it and it was going well. A little straining, sure, but a lot better than I’d imagined it being.

“Hey,” she returned, panting, and trying to catch her breath. “I thought you were sleeping,” she said, as she headed over to a bench in the far corner and snatched up a towel, starting to dab her sweat-drenched skin as she walked to me.

“Just taking a walkabout.”


“A little. There’s a lot on my mind.” I eyed her pointedly. “Isn’t there?”

She dabbed at her face, then blew out a breath. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell them yet.”

“Why didn’t you? I set that feast up to provide the perfect opportunity of togetherness so it could be put out there.”

“I know. I just… I need more time to wrap my own mind around it before I bring anyone else in on it.”

“Especially the likes of Milo and Nico, with their intense protectiveness and cautiousness, right?”

“They’re factors, yes.”

“Well, I can tell you that the cautious approach is out the window for both of them after the kidnappings happened.”

“That might not be the case when it comes to this, though.”

“You’re worried they’ll bench you?”

“Worse. I’m worried they’ll try, and what I’ll be forced to do in order to counter that. I’m needed on this and I also have to be a part of it. Bringing those assholes down has been years upon years in the making. I won’t sit it out.”

“Like I told you earlier, Cat, we can always find a way. And I’ll be there in your corner to make sure that it doesn’t end up with you being benched. I promise you that.”

“I appreciate that. Thank you, Julian.” She pulled her hair tie out and shook out her wavy hair. “But, beyond that issue, what if I… what if I can’t actually do this?”

“Do this?”

“What if it’s just not in me to be a mother?”


“And what if it’s a mistake to bring an innocent baby into this life?”