Maybe it was becausehewanted to be the one to end Angelo? Was he relieved that he wasn’t dead so thathecould exact vengeance on him? Like he had with his father all those years ago?

I knew one thing. Now really wasn’t the time to ask any of that.

I heard a commotion outside in the corridor, and Nico’s deep voice carried to me.

I smiled at Julian, not wanting to alarm him or bring any negativity to him. “I’ll be right back. Just a couple of seconds, okay?”

“Okay,” he murmured in a very worn down way again.

I grimaced internally, then opened the door and stepped out.

It didn’t take me more than a few seconds to locate the source of the commotion just a little way down the corridor.

There Nico and Caterina were arguing back and forth.

She slammed her fist into the wall as she yelled at him, “Will you just let it the fuck go? Foronce, you stubborn, over-the-top, suffocating bastard!”


“Suffocating?” he bit back at her.

“Is that the only thing you heard?”

“I heard it all. That was the concerning aspect.”

“What?” she asked exasperatedly.

“Is that how you really feel? That I’m suffocating you?”

“Right now, yes. Obviously.”

“What’s going on?” I asked, cutting into their argument. “I could hear you from inside Julian’s room.”

“Sorry,” Caterina offered right away. “Nico just set me off.”

“Me? You were the one who burst out of the exam room before the doctor even took your blood and finished your exam.”

“You texted me that Julian is awake. I wanted to see him.”

“You could have waited a little longer. Milo was with him, he wasn’t alone, and he never will be again.”

“You say such heart-melting things like that, yet you can also be such an infuriating fucker,” she told him. “Talk about a walking contradiction.”

Nico fisted his hands down at his sides. “Fuck,wife,you’re really pushing my buttons.” His eyes flashed at her. “But you already know that, don’t you?”

“I just want you to back off. The doctor said I was dehydrated, that I needed to eat, and that I needed some more sleep. Simple as that. I’m fine. So, please, for the love of crap, let it go now.” She flashed her eyes right back at him. “Husband.”

Oh fuck.

He stepped into her and pushed her against the wall with his hips. Looming over her, he growled, “Careful, I’m seconds away from fucking you into submission right against this corridor in full view of everybody. Do you want them all to see you spread open at my mercy as I fill your glorious cunt with my big dick and punish the fuck out of you?”

She stared up at him, meeting his challenge head on. “Please, you won’t allow anybody outside of our foursome to see me in that sexual state. And you also don’t like my submission.” She grinned at him. “Not one little bit.”

He snarled, then kissed her forehead and drew back. “Well played.”

She smirked. “I thought so.”

“Go see Julian. But once he’s settled back at the house, youwilllet my doctor come to see you at home and run the tests you missed here. Make me that deal and I’ll let it go.”