Sobs sounded from him and I lost the battle with trying not to make direct eye contact or take in the state of him.

There he was lying there in so much pain, bruised and cut, covered in Angelo’s… fluids, and he was crying, tears streaming down his cheeks.

The door flew open, making me swing my head around to see four guys with balaclavas barreling in. I rapidly calculated my chance of making it to my gun in time.

It didn’t bode well.

The sight of Angelo sprawled out unconscious on the floor pulled them up short for a few seconds.

I pushed away from Julian and strode to them, ready to let myself go completely and utterly decimate them.

But then a ferocious roar rang out, drawing their attention as well as mine.

In the next second, Milo hurtled into the room.

His gaze darted to Julian briefly, and then his eyes turned utterly black.

“Motherfuckers!” he bellowed, before running at the guys and tearing into them viciously.

Within moments, screams, bones cracking, and even begging filled the space as he went apeshit all over them.

Another three burst into the room and I ran back into the fight, beating them back and keeping them away from descending on Milo.

It all became a blur of undiluted violence and brutality as each hostile melded into the other, everything coming hard and fast, and my reactions coming faster than that as I was in the throes of my monstrous state.

I slammed one of them up against a wall, then literally ripped them apart with my blade, tearing them open and savoring their shrieks as it called to the power I had over them, over their fucking disgusting lives.

I sensed another coming at me and I spun, snagged the guy’s arm, then wrenched it, dislocating his shoulder and making him scream for me.

I used the hold to swing him around and haul him into the black cabinet.

As he crashed into it, I was there, wrapping both hands around his throat and choking the life out of him, the monster in me desperate to see the light drain from his eyes as I stole it away like a fucking dark god.

But a shot rang out before I could accomplish it, blowing the guy’s skull apart.

I jolted and looked out to see Julian standing there, grabbing onto the wall to steady himself. He fired a bullet off to the side of me and I saw it kill the guy I’d shredded open in an instant, too.

“It’s over,” he rasped. His gaze darted to Milo, who was literally tossing an already dead guy across the room. The guy crashed into the St. Andrew’s cross and decimated the thing at the impact. “Milo… stop.Stop.”

Milo jolted at the sound of Julian’s voice and swung toward him.

Julian wavered, dropping the gun, and collapsing onto the ground.

“Fuck!” Milo cried, rushing to him just as I did.

He ran his hands over the stark bruising around Julian’s ribs, particularly on one side. “Internal bleeding,” he told me. “It looks like internal bleeding.”

“Oh my God.”

“Contact Nico. Tell him I’m taking Julian to the hospital right fucking now.”

“All right, yeah,” I said, reaching up to tap my earpiece to do just that, until I noticed something missing from the mess we’d made of the hostiles.

“Angelo’s not here,” I told Milo.

“What?” he grunted as he lifted Julian into his arms carefully and rose to his feet with his unconscious form cradled against him.

“He’s gone. He must have escaped during the chaos of the battle.” I gestured at Julian. “Get him to the ER immediately. I’ll go after Angelo.”