Toning everything down to the max.

Look what it had cost us.

Look what we’d almost lost—and still stood to lose all the while Julian was being held captive.

I sucked in a breath, then uttered a command that I knew would shift everything. “Decimate.”



I tapped my earpiece as another transmission came through.

A moment later, Milo’s voice sounded in my ear, while I drove like a crazy person through the city streets in my Lambo.

“Hostile’s not meeting with Angelo. At the strip mall on Westwood and Garde. A transport truck just pulled up. Two guys got out and greeted him. They’re now loading the supplies the hostile stole.”

Nico’s voice was next.“Sounds like they are planning on moving Julian tonight.”

“I’m gonna move in and beat some answers out of them.”


Even if he didn’t get anything out of them, which was very likely, it would at least give Milo a much-needed release.

He was really on edge. To be expected given what was at stake here. But it could be problematic if he wasn’t given an outlet—which he now had in those guys. When we’d been strategizing how to sneak out of the Manor without Marco’s security realizing, Milo’s only plan had been to run right through them and put them all down. Fortunately, Nico and I had managed to talk him down, but the fact that it had been a plan of his at all was the worrying thing. He was usually the cautious and careful one all about protecting and safeguarding, not going on the offensive and pulling some insane shit like that.

We’d get Julian back tonight, and it would put an end to that for him.

It would calm him. Hell, it would calm all of us.

“Arriving at Site B now,”I reported down the line.

No response came from Milo, obviously because he was busy laying into those assholes at the strip mall.

But I heard Nico’s voice a moment later.

“Proceed with caution. But if you come across our target, let loose, principessa.”

“Believe me, I will.”

“There’s our woman.”

I smiled to myself.

As much as he’d been worried about me unleashing in that garage, he also knew that it was the best way for me to protect myself. The fact that we’d all split up to do this wasn’t sitting well with him, especially after how worried he’d been about the garage situation and then me getting sick. But there hadn’t been much of a choice. We were all needed to cover different areas if we stood any chance of being able to stop Angelo from stealing Julian away.

It was a desperate situation.

I pulled my car over on the dirt road just a few blocks from the designated location.

I hurried out, pulling my gun as I went, then approached the lone three-story house with the red roof. It was down by Brimbank Waterfront, of all places, right on the edge. No one and nothing else around for several blocks, fortunately. I didn’t have to worry about having my gun out in plain sight.

I headed for the rear, vaulting over a dilapidated fence and landing in a backyard with overgrown grass and dead plants. A floodlight guided the way through the dark night just enough for me to locate the backdoor. There was no basement, just a crawl space. But that still left me with three floors to cover. Yeah, this situation really wasn’t ideal.

I tried the door carefully, finding it locked as pretty much expected.

Pulling out my lock pick set, I made quick work of it, then opened it slowly, readying my gun.