“I’m here,” that awful voice rang out, a moment before a hand was thrust in my face with two pills on it.

When I resisted, that familiar slap assaulted my cheek. “Swallow them. Painkillers. I let you sleep longer this time because I had business to attend to. That’s why you’re feeling those injuries now. The previous doses wore off.”

I opened my mouth, and he pushed them along my tongue, then I swallowed them down with some difficulty.

As he stepped back, I watched him shrug off his gray leather jacket, then pull his t-shirt over his head, so he was just down to his jeans. He shoved a hand through his light blond hair as he muttered, “Nico and his accomplices are causing me a load of shit. Keeping off their radar hasn’t been easy. Even with me throwing up roadblocks all over the fucking place.”

“They won’t stop,” I rasped. “They’ll find me… find you.”

“Don’t worry your pretty little head about all that. I’m taking care of it.”

“How long… how long… have I… been here?”

“A few days.”


“Does that surprise you?” he asked, coming right up to the bed and perching on the edge. “Does it feel shorter? Longer?”

“Not sure,” I murmured. “But I need… need… hospital.”

“You’ll feel fine once the painkillers kick in.”

“Still be… hurt.” I coughed again and grimaced as it put strain on my ribs.

“I’ll let you go once I’m sure you’ll be drawn back to me. And until you surrender and give me what I want, that can’t happen.”

“What do… you want?”

He frowned. “You don’t remember?”

I shook my head.

The moment I did, I regretted it, the thing swimming, a wave of dizziness taking me over.

I jolted as he pressed his palm to my forehead. “You’re burning up.”

“Hospital,” I pushed.

“Don’t overreact. You’ll be fine. Just relax.”

“No… I—”

He slapped my dick, making me cry out at both the shock and the pain of it.

“Enough.” He grasped my shaft hard and my eyes flew to his. “Good. Keep those gorgeous eyes on me. As a reminder, what I want from you is to break you,tesoro.I want you begging me, becoming my little bitch through and through. I want you to recognize who owns you and I want you to rejoice in that fact.”

I squirmed as he started pulling and pinching my piercings. “Stop.”

“Shh. I have a story to tell you. Focus on that while those meds take some time to kick in.” He released my shaft then, but it was barely a reprieve as he started trailing his fingers around my asshole. “It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I realized I had a thing for pretty dicks. One night, Santino was on a tear. The rages the guy can get caught up in… I’ve never seen anything else like it. Anyway, that night, I was in his sights. I was waiting in his office expecting to be given orders on how to fix a certain situation that had been brought to our attention, one that had cost him a lot of coin. Instead, he caught me off guard, pinned me to his desk, then basically shoved his dick down my throat. He held me down too, making damn sure I took it all until he filled me with his cum.”


“He hurt… you. Rap—”

“No,” he spat. “He helped me, ignited something in me.”

“That’s not—”