“Good. Thank you.” He looked out at Nico. “Wake me up, all right?”
“I will.”
With that, he took off out of the room.
I turned my head toward Nico, who’d pulled his phone out and was scrolling on it. “Yes?” he asked, feeling my eyes on him.
“I didn’t want to upset Milo, but know that you and I are not done with this. Tying me up… wewillsettle up where that’s concerned.”
He eyed me over his phone. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.” He smirked. “Wife.”
“You little fucking—”
He leaned forward and grasped my thigh, startling me. “It was already too close,principessa.”
“With Angelo taking me?”
“Yes. His intentions for you too. I can hardly fucking stomach that as it is, and you’re home safe now. But you being in danger and almost taken from us entirely… I can’t fucking reconcile it, okay? Now hearing that you’re unwell… I can’t fucking lose you. Do you understand me?”
Before I could get a word out, he squeezed my thigh, but not hard enough to cause me any pain, just to making it clear he was there holding me. His sapphire eyes burned into mine. “These are the extremes I go to for the people I love.” Off my stunned look, he said, “That’s right, I fuckingloveyou, Caterina. I’m undeniably, obsessively, and dangerously in love with you.”
“Nico, I—”
He held up his hand. “I don’t expect you to say it back or reciprocate. At least, not at this juncture. I mean, I just tied you to a fucking bed after all.” He rose to his feet. “But that’s where it’s at on my end.” He gestured at the door. “I’m gonna get a coffee and I’ll be right back. Just… please get some sleep, all right?”
I cleared my throat from the emotion that his words had wrought. “Okay,” was all I could manage.
And then I watched him walk out.
Holy shit.
“I can’t lose you. Do you understand me?”
“Julian, it’s—”
“I can’t. You’re my family. The only family I have left.”
“I know. It’s the same for me.”
I opened my eyes, feeling groggy, my head fuzzy and my body as exhausted as it always was every time I woke up here in this place.
Every time I woke up to find myself restrained in some way with Angelo hovering nearby. Sometimes right over me.
Like the last time when I’d awoken to being bound over a spanking bench with a fucking machine pounding into my ass, wherein Angelo had then rubbed his cock all over my face throughout the ordeal until I’d lost control and started licking him. He’d been so elated that I’d finally responded in some way to him that he’d shoved his cock down my throat. That elation had turned even more dangerous when he’d quickly realized that I didn’t have a gag reflex, and he’d fucked my throat like a machine, outdoing the actual machine that had been pounding into my ass. He’d come all over my face. And as soon as he’d recovered, he’d done it again. And again. I’d lost count.
I’d actually lost track of a lot, including how long I’d even been here.
This time as I woke up again, I was bound to the circular bed, my arms restrained above my head. My knees were bent to my chest and bound with ropes to either side of the bed, leaving me in a worrying spread open position. Of course, I was naked as usual. All for his sick viewing pleasure.
My throat was sore from all the brutal face-fucking and as I tried to swallow, I ended up coughing. Pain radiated from my ribs at the strain of it and I looked down to see how bad the bruising had become. When I stopped coughing, I realized how straining it was to draw in a full breath, how much it hurt. The damage from the crash was taking its toll. Given that I hadn’t been allowed any time to recover, that wasn’t too surprising.
I winced as I took in the deep grazes on my shins and thighs bleeding all over the place.
A groan of pain escaped me.