“I’m not talking about her business acumen.” His lip curled. “And we both know she doesn’t need your protection.” He leaned forward, clasping his hands on the tabletop. “Furthermore, I don’t believe for one moment that she’s beingownedby you.”
“Whatever youthinkyou know—”
“Everyone else’s preconceived notions and a healthy dose of misogyny and fear led them to misinterpreting your playful war with her into an act of domination on your part, painting her as a weak link in the process, a submissive party, and giving those Leone bastards a sick thrill at believing that was what was happening to the woman who walked away from them and thrived from doing so. It was the only way they could allow themselves to look at it and still save face and not acknowledge their own failings.” A smug smile spread over his face. “When in actual fact it was you and Caterina sparring, conducting some sort of complicated and rather twisted mating ritual. She thrived from it and you experienced the closest thing you ever had to freedom, to having something that your family couldn’t touch.” He leaned back, shaking his head. “Although, now they’ve touched it and they have their hands all over it, wanting you to fulfill their sick intentions. That can’t be sitting well with you in the least.”
“I’m doing my duty for the Family.”
“You don’t trust me, so you’re denying everything. You’re skilled at wearing that mask of yours, I’ll give you that. However, it’s not conducive to what I’m trying to do here.”
“That’s too bad.”
He scrubbed his hand over his face at getting nothing from me. “Nico, I’m not trying to catch you out. I’m not trying to play you. I’m trying to help you. To help both of us. I know you’re not on board with the way things are progressing—or regressing, as it truly is. Keep in mind also that now the chaos of the wedding reception attack is waning, it will no longer be so easy to keep the true reality of your marriage to Caterina Leone off their radar. They want her hurt and controlled, broken. And they want you on a leash, expending a great deal of your time working ontrainingher. They’ll come knocking asking for proof soon enough. The situation isn’t sustainable. None of this is. You’re smart and astute, so I’m sure you’re well aware of that. As such, it stands to reason to infer that you’re doing a whole lot more than merely resisting their despicable orders when it comes to your new wife, more than putting on a well-crafted façade.”
“You’re actually accusing me of working against the Family, against this new alliance? That would be an act of treason, punishable by severe torture and death.”
“I’m well aware of what the stakes are. It’s why I understand your continued denialandwhy I’m being incredibly patient with you, despite me knowing much better.”
“Beyond these baseless accusations andguesseson your part, what exactly is it that you want from me?”
He sat forward again. “Theoretically speaking, if you were intending to do something about the current situation—undermine it, possibly even destroy the new insane reality created by this foolish Marchetti-Leone alliance—it won’t be enough. It would leave a mammoth and very dangerous power vacuum. The three families alliance served to keep everyone in check, to ensure that not one single family possessed—and therefore abused—too much power. Between us, we also have differing areas of expertise that, when combined, form a whole of sorts, enabling our business ventures to be extremely diversified, which is needed in the world we operate within to stay ahead of competition, our enemies, and the law.” His eyes burned into mine as he said, “Youneed to take power over the Marchetti Syndicate, Nico. And Caterina needs to do the same where the Leones are concerned.”
I started at his suggestion.
“Andthat’swhy I lured you here tonight. To make it clear that destroying what exists now and then running and disappearing into the ozone as the ruins settle won’t achieve what you want to. It will just open the way for worse forces to take the power you would have ripped from Marco and Santino. You need to step up and take what’s rightfully yours. You and Caterina. The three of us will work together well.” He shifted his weight, urgency spilling from him. “To do that, you’ll need my help. My resources, for one. Not to mention my insights and experience.”
“What you’re suggesting—”
“I know it’s a great deal, especially when trust hasn’t yet been established between us. Although, keep in mind that I didn’t strike directly against you and only you, Nico. We both know that me sending the Red Vipers to your warehouse was merely for show.” He screwed up his face. “Until Leo made it a great deal more with his ridiculously overwrought retaliatory response.” He blew out a breath. “However, you need more. I understand that, especially given the stakes. You need confirmation of my sincerity. That will require endorsement from a reliable and already supremely trusted third party. Fortunately, for us, that individual does exist.”
“Who are you referring to?”
“Look into Joseph Stover.”
“Never heard of him.”
“I’m not surprised. She’s trying to protect him. He already warned me she’d do as much and be reluctant to bring him into this situation, despite him being more than willing to participate. Of course, given that he’s like the father figure she never truly had in that disgusting Santino, it’s to be expected.”
“You’re saying that this person is connected to Caterina?”
“Very much so. To the both of us now. All of us, in fact. So, look into him. She would be the best source, at least to start with. Do so carefully. Then contact me.”
He rose to his feet. “Those vehicles belonging to your men that were damaged during my surpriseattackwill be taken care of. I have my team of mechanics prepared to receive them and several tow trucks will be here within moments, so all of this will be covered up nicely, leaving the Marchettis and Leones none the wiser. My soldiers will also be transporting yours back to their respective homes within the next few moments, so you’re not left with that headache either. It’ll be as though this meeting never happened as far as they’re concerned.” As he rounded the booth toward me, he leaned down until he was eye level with me. “But it did, as far as you and I are concerned. Icanhelp you. We can help each other. You are Marco’s true successor, and you should never have been passed over. We’ll remedy that. We’ll remedy it all.” With that, he rose back to his full height, adjusted his suit jacket, then told me, “It’s been nice having this sit down with you, Nico. I look forward to working with you and yours.”
I rose as he made his way to the door.
He paused as he reached for the doorknob and turned back to me. “Oh, while you’re looking into Stover, you’ll also be receiving a gesture of good faith from me.” He gestured at Milo, who was watching closely, frowning when he saw Carlo bring him into the conversation. He turned as though knowing that he’d been reading our lips this entire time, his back to him as he told me, “I understand that his parents’ murderer was never identified, that you suspected one of my soldiers as being the culprit. With us slated to work together, that lie can no longer be upheld, especially not for the good of the alliance that has now fallen apart, as I’d initially agreed to. I can confirm that they weren’t Benzino kills. In fact, Enzo Bardi was never my target. Like you, he possessed a temperament and decision-making that I favored. Him dying was detrimental to me. I’ll send you proof of the true culprit.”
“Why not just tell me here and now?”
“Because you won’t believe me without incontrovertible proof. Especially given who is truly responsible. You’ll suspect it as my intent to sway you.” He smiled. “Have a good night, Nico.”
With that, he strode on out, giving Milo a polite chin lift, then swept away through the parking lot, two of his men leading him to his town car in the distance, while his other soldiers headed inside the diner and began hauling up my men to ready them for transport back to safety.
I stood there, my gaze clashing with Milo’s, trying to absorb what the fuck had just transpired.
Everyone was fine.