He thrust his hands into my chest, knocking me back into the room.
It all happened so fast then with him forcing his way in, then locking the door behind him, then swinging his fist.
The first hit plowed into my gut, making me choke and double over.
He followed that through with a nasty punch to my face that had my head snapping to the side, blood spraying from my mouth from the brutality of his fucking hit. I had to slap my hands down on the foot of the bed to steady myself.
That was a big mistake as I realized in the next moment when he came up behind me, wrapped one arm around my throat and wrenched my head back, while his other grasped my dick through my boxers.
I shuddered and almost retched, but his grip around my throat prevented it from happening.
It got worse when I felt his breath at my ear as he spoke. “You belong to me, boy. You exist because of me and you’ll follow orders without complaint. You may think you’re free out here in college, but you’ll be back home soon enough and controlled again. It makes me sick that you’re fornicating with all sorts here, especially the Bardi boy. Is it not just an experiment anymore? Is that what you’re really into? It won’t stand. Do you hear me?”
“Why… are you… here?” I rasped against his constricting grip.
“My hedge fund is in trouble.”
“Need… money?”
“How… much?”
“A couple hundred thousand.”
I frowned. That sounded like much more than mere trouble. It sounded like he was going under.
“Somebody ratted me out to the SEC. They turned over evidence about illegal deals, trading, bull about extortion going on.”
It wasn’t bullshit. I knew that for a fact.
He’d hurt a lot of people.
And I might have done something about that.
It had taken a long while for it to reach fruition, though. Then again, it had triggered a massive, in-depth investigation and that was a lengthy process.
Finally, it was happening.
Although, it was really biting me in the ass right about now.
“Let… go.”
“You need some convincing first. Isn’t that right?”
“No,” I ground out.
“The way you spoke to me at the door would indicate otherwise.”
He started stroking my cock then.
“Give me one, then I’ll let you go.”
“Stop… no.” I bucked against him, but he just tightened his chokehold making me fight for breath, my body weakening from the significant lack of air.
He stroked faster, his fingers all over me.
And then he shoved them inside my boxers.