“Yeah, I know, and I appreciate you helping me with that, but I just don’t think it’s appropriate anymore.”

Caterina shifted and choked a little on a Malteser she was munching on.

All that fucking had clearly worked up an appetite for her, because she’d gone through half of the bag already and two-thirds of the popcorn bowl we were sharing.

“Appropriate?” I asked. “Since when has that been an issue for you?”

Was this about what had happened? Was he finally acknowledging it again, about to start processing it?

That hope was quickly snuffed out when he told us, “It’s an issue now, I guess. I just feel like a change. A shift in my brand.Nocturnedoesn’t fit with where I want to take things.”

“Take things in what direction, exactly?” Nico asked. “A wholesome approach? You?”

Julian turned on Caterina’s lap to look out at us. “Yeah, why not?”

“You don’t need to do that, Julian,” Caterina told him.

“I think I do, darlin’.”

“No. It’s really okay.”

“What’s okay? What’s going on?” I pushed.

“Caterina told us that you wanted to be exclusive. Is that what this is about?” Nico asked.

Julian and Caterina exchanged a look.

And then he looked away and settled back down to his previous position. “Yeah. That’s what it’s about.”

“You’ve beenexclusivesince the four of us got together,” Nico reminded him. “Are you concerned it’s too much temptation to keepNocturne?”


“That’s bullshit,” I said. “All of us can see that you’re fully committed to our foursome. Committed in a way I’ve never seen from you before.”

Caterina cursed and pulled from all of us, then got off the bed, handing the Maltesers back to Julian—or what was left of them. “He is committed. He’s been amazing. All of you have. It’sme.”

She started pacing then and tugging at the belt of her robe nervously too.

“Cat, it’s okay. I promise,” Julian told her, sitting up and moving to the edge of the bed.

“What’s okay?” Nico asked, his rapidly mounting concern mirroring mine.

“It’s all my fault. I’m sorry,” Caterina told us, looking so out of sorts, it had my gut twisting. “So much has been going on and the timing is atrocious. I just… and after Milo finding out about Leo earlier, I thought it best to wait. Again. But waiting is just prolonging it. It’s keeping a secret, a massive secret that impacts your lives too. I should’ve… I should’ve told you sooner. I’m sorry, I just—”

“Caterina,” Nico spoke, jumping off the bed and going to her. “Take a breath,” he said, reaching out and taking her hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. “Just tell us what’s going on.”

“I’m fine,” I assured her, getting off the bed too and joining them. “I’m processing it and I’ll handle it. Don’t worry about that, all right? And certainly don’t let it put you off telling us whatever this is that’s clearly eating you up inside. I don’t want that. None of us do.”

Caterina’s gaze flicked to Julian, and he gave her an encouraging nod, making it clear beyond a shadow a doubt that he already knew what thissecretof hers was.

I could see Nico straining not to bombard her with questions, to push it along. He even had to drop his hand from hers, so he could clench both down by his sides in order to hold himself back. He really had come a long way with her, from obsession to actual love, being able to recognize and do what was best forherabove all.

I watched with bated breath as she shifted her weight uncomfortably, then pressed her hand to her stomach and looked between me and Nico.

“I’m pregnant.”

I choked as the words hung there heavily.