
I stepped out into the backyard, pulling my leather jacket closed, expecting it to be freezing, only to be pleasantly surprised when welcoming heat enveloped me.

Aside from the tour that Julian had given me when I’d first moved in here, I realized I hadn’t actually been outside to the backyard, or even merely the patio once since I’d been here. I’d been so focused on other things. Finding Julian, our mission, operating Camlann Corporation remotely, that I hadn’t really entertained time for anything else. Aside from bonding with the guys.

Splashing caught my attention, and I looked out toward the pool. It was a color-changing rectangular swimming pool that even had a Jacuzzi at one end and a little waterfall on the other, the whole thing surrounded by beautiful gray brick.

I took in Julian swimming back and forth in the currently purple colored water.

As soon as I started to approach, he noticed and swam to the closest end to me, folding his arms on the edge and smiling out at me. “Come on in, darlin’.”

I peered down into the pool and grinned. “You’re naked.”

“I didn’t want you to feel awkward about being without a bathing suit.”

I chuckled. “Sure that’s the reason.”

“Come on,” he said, reaching out and stroking my calf. “Strip and show me that stunning body of yours. It’s been too long.”

I shrugged off my jacket and tossed it on a deck chair behind me.

“That’s it.” He winked. “I wouldn’t say no to a little show.”

“Shut the hell up,” I said, laughing and pulling off my Vivier pumps. Not trusting him to keep the splashing down, I walked right over to the chair where I’d tossed my jacket and nestled them on it carefully.

He whistled. “Damn, if only that skirt was a little shorter.”

I spun back to him to find his eyes lit with humor.

He was just egging me on, trying to bring the fun.

Trying to loosen me up.

“You’re good, I’ll give you that.”

“Well, I’ve gotten to know you, Cat. I see you struggling to let go and just be in the moment. Not surprising, considering everything.”

I smiled and unzipped my embellished gold and black bustier top, sliding it away and baring my breasts.

His eyes hooded at the sight.

The intensity ramped up there as I shimmied out of my skirt.

As I reached for my panties, he rose up out of the water and hooked his fingers in the sides, then drew them down slowly, his hot gaze holding mine captive.

I’d only just kicked them off when he grasped my thighs and dragged his tongue through my folds.

A squeal escaped me and he chuckled, then snagged me around the hips and hauled me into the pool, water splashing all around us.

“You’re a menace,” I choked, brushing my hair and water out of my face.

“Compliment taken, darlin’,” he said, grasping my arms and floating us back against the edge of the pool.

All humor evaporated as he breathed me in, then slid his hand over my belly, stroking softly, reverently. “I saw you. You were going to tell them tonight.”

“I was. I’m sorry, but with Milo finding out that his parents—”

“It’s okay. I get it.” He looked me over studiously, the sexual edge gone for the moment as he asked, full of concern, “How are you feeling? I haven’t heard you throwing up or anything.”