“You’re not… done?” Trent gasped.
“Not even close,sugar.”
I pushed off the chair and smashed my foot into his balls, making him scream.
Then I looked around at all those I’d felled.
“Mmm. Time to really get started, you sick pieces of shit.”
My tires screeched as I made a sharp turn off the back road onto the dirt driveway that led to our target location, the place where Milo had managed to track Caterina’s ring to.
Mud sprayed my windows as I tore down the way toward the dilapidated shithole house in the distance.
I was coming in hot, despite not knowing what we were hurtling into.
I didn’t give a fuck.
We didn’t have time to approach carefully.
From what I’d been able to ascertain from Julian’s bike cam footage, we’d confirmed it had been Angelo who’d stopped them on the roadrightby my place and caused the crash. I’d also watched him sedate Julian, who’d been conscious afterward. Caterina hadn’t been, but the bastard had shot her up with a needle, too. She’d been unmoving as she’d hit the ground really fucking brutally. I was hoping that the tough gear Julian had insisted she wear would have absorbed some of the damage, at least. But I didn’t know that for a fact.
What I did know was that Angelo and his men who’d been concealed behind oversized sweats and balaclavas, had stripped both of them down on the road, tossing their jackets and phones, then hauled them into one of the unmarked vans, fucking kidnapping them.
With Angelo’s intentions for Caterina through her father, the suggestion of what she could be enduring was god-awful enough. And with Julian crossing Angelo, he would be considered fair game in that respect, too.
As much as I’d tried to stay calm, now I’d seen the footage of them being set upon, then dragged away like that, I couldn’t stop the hellish thoughts of what they could be suffering through right fucking now with every additional moment it took us to reach them.
I was halfway to the house when Milo roared by on his Harley, gun drawn and at the ready, riding one-handed as he tore ahead of me. That wasn’t just his urgency, it was him always in the headspace of defending me. No matter what.
I caught up and pulled up just as he basically dropped his Harley, then started scanning the area while moving his gun back and forth, on high alert, prepared to fire in a split second.
Beside the two-story log cabin type house, there was a free-standing two-car garage. A white transport truck was parked next to it, the back open and facing us. I growled low in my throat as I took in the benches there fitted out with restraints. The thing was running, its lights on.
I signaled to Milo, and we approached it, splitting up, him taking the right side, heading to the front passenger door, me taking the left and going for the driver’s door.
As I came to it, I started when I saw a bloodied handprint on the white paintwork. I didn’t see anyone sitting up there. I grasped the handle and threw open the door, and darted back as a body crumpled out, falling with a hard thud in a heap on the ground at my feet. No wonder I hadn’t seen him. He’d been hunched over. I kicked him over, noting the stab wound in his throat, blood completely dousing him. Each one of his fingers was broken too.
“Shit,” Milo exclaimed as he rounded the hood and came to me. “Nothing in the passenger side, but look what you’ve got there.”
“He was tortured before he was killed.”
“Sure looks like it.” His eyes lit up. “This bodes really fucking well. Julian and Caterina must have—”
A shriek tore through the quiet area, jolting us both, and we swung our heads toward the sound coming from the garage, just a second before a guy decked out in black sweats stumbled out from a side door, slapping his bloodied hand to the wall, only to be suddenly wrenched back inside, and I saw a flash of that beautifully familiar brown, wavy hair.
We were bolting over there in the next second.
I burst through the door with Milo right at my back.
And then I pulled up short, my breath catching in my throat as his face was being smashed into the wall over and over by none other than Caterina, who was half fucking naked, her hair matted with sweat and a whole lot of blood. Her whole body was actually doused in it.
“Hell fucking no,” Milo choked.
She swung her head at the sound of his voice, eyes flaming wildly and… inhumanly.