I eyed the fallen guys near us, but they’d already been out when they’d set upon us. It was why they’d engaged us hand-to-hand and come at us in a rush.
I saw several of our guys notice our predicament, running toward us, firing off shots, but they couldn’t bend fucking bullets around the corner of the truck and actually hit those coming for us.
I signaled them to head over to Price and his bodyguards instead.
Despite their hesitation to leave us as somewhat sitting ducks, they followed my orders and redirected their attention over there, managing to take out a couple of the bodyguards.
We were getting closer to Price now.
So close.
Suddenly, the warehouse door flew open, and I caught sight of an RPG a moment before the person holding it came into focus.
My heart stopped in my chest.
“Julian,” I choked.
What the hell was he doing here?
How had he gotten inside the warehouse?
What the—
“Get down!” he yelled over to me and Tony.
There wasn’t much else we could do when he took aim right where those fuckers were about to close in on us.
We bolted forward and dove onto the ground several feet away a second before he fired the fucking thing and it shot through the air with a sharp whistle, then blasted into the guys and blew them all to hell, taking a chunk of the truck that we’d been against mere moments ago with it, a ball of fire exploding high into the air as screams and a deafening thunder rang out.
“Holy shit,” Tony breathed, pushing onto his knees as I hurried to my feet as well.
A deathly still silence filled the area as I stared over the distance at Julian, trying to make sense of what was happening, how he was here, all of it.
But he wasn’t done.
He’d dropped the RPG and was reaching into his pockets.
In the next second, I caught sight of grenades, just before he started tossing them near Price’s position, strategically forcing him and his remaining bodyguards from their point of cover.
He pushed from the warehouse and stalked toward them as my guys had jumped back out of range of the crazed grenade blasts.
I saw Julian stagger a moment later. He was still recovering, not at his best, and wielding that RPG and then throwing those grenades had obviously taken a lot out of him.
All of it caused a hell of a distraction, though, and then he was screaming and diving at Price. He tackled him away from his bodyguards and my guys had to move in frantically to take his security out before they did that to Julian.
“Where is he?” I heard him screaming, as he smashed his fist into Price’s face, then wailed on him with unadulterated fury. “Where the fuck is Angelo? Tell me, motherfucker! Tell me!”
I bolted forward only to be pulled up short abruptly as a violent thunder reverberated all around us as a series of consecutive explosions erupted from all three warehouses, windows blowing out with glass spraying out everywhere, debris flying every which way and more fire shooting up toward the sky as the structures were fucking decimated.
I watched as a figure clad in heavy duty black tactical gear with a balaclava covering their face emerged from behind the farthest warehouse, a sniper rifle in hand. He fired off a series of rapid-fire shots at all the remain hostiles.
Julian rolled off Price at the shock of it and a second later, a bullet drove into Price’s skull, killing him in an instant, just like our remaining targets.
Instinctively, I took aim with my gun, all my soldiers in the vicinity doing the same.
The mystery guy held up his free hand in a gesture of surrender and even lowered his gun.
“I come in peace,Alleati!”he called over to us.