“Let Cassio stay in the good graces of Marco by allowing him to carry out his mission and burn the place to cinders. We could use that, make him our inside man as a backup should we need it down the road of this campaign.” He lifted a shoulder. “I’m done with that racket, anyway. It’s become a fucking headache, and the payoff is no longer worth it. Besides, while a whole unit of Marchetti soldiers is focused on that futile mission, we can use the distraction to move Marchetti drugs and weapons out from under their noses, off Marchetti Syndicate territory. We’ll secure it for us and thereby weaken them, resulting in Marco being unable to serve his partners and live up to his contractual obligations.”
“Ruining his reputation.”
“And calling his ability as Boss into question,” Remo spoke.
“What of the Leones?” I asked.
“First we break Marco,” Nico told me.
Carlo nodded. “It’s easier to do with Nico having the inside track as Capo and via his trusted allies in the likes of Cassio.”
“I have evidence of illicit activities taking place at Leone and Marchetti strip clubs. The same goes for their gambling dens, where they do a great deal of their money laundering. I can tip off the law and have them raided,” I told them.
“I have contacts and assets in the Tolhurst Police Department who can assist with that,” Remo spoke. “We’ll work together on it.”
Nico and Carlo exchanged a nod, and then Nico told me, “Go for it. I’ll have Julian shut down the backroom gambling he’s been forced to allow atNocturne,too.”
“I won’t let him be connected to it when we leak this intel,” I assured him.
“Best to be safe.”
“And you also want his business connections to the Marchettis severed before all of this goes down.”
“Exactly. All of it, actually, as well as them skimming profits from his club.”
“While you’re focused on physical assaults, concentrating on the Marchettis, it doesn’t mean we can’t also strike at the Leones—just in a different way,” I pointed out. “I can weaken Santino financially and the Leone Family organization as a whole,” I told them.
“You’re already going to break the hold he has over certain powerful individuals.”
“I can do this as well.”
“What’s your strategy?”
“Move some money around. Redirect it. That sort of thing.”
“Drain his accounts?”
“Strategically. I know where his power lies in that respect.”
The corner of his mouth turned up, both at my words and the sly look in my eye that he knew all too well. “Good.”
“I’d also publicize the two of you filing for divorce,” Carlo advised.
Remo nodded. “The more destabilization to the two families, the better.”
This strategy was certainly geared toward that.
It would pile on the pressure, have them reeling, and turn them desperate too.
Desperate people were prone to make severe mistakes.
And we’d be right there to ensure those ruled in our favor and we used that to our advantage in the most optimal ways.
Well, in the most devastating ways.
It was nothing short of what they all deserved.