“Angelo didn’t mention you were a tough talker, sugar,” Trent said, jolting toward me in a pathetic effort to scare me, trying to reinforce his dominance after me undercutting it so easily. “Tell us, how tough are you gonna be talking when we’re ripping into your fuck holes, huh?” He grabbed my throat. “We were gonna start with your mouth, but now I’m thinking we’ll skip right to your ass.” He squeezed, making me choke. “Ever had two big cocks ramming into that tight hole before?”
“Yeah, that’s it,” I heard one of the guys behind him uttering. Then the three of them shucked off their pants, their hard dicks coming into view.
Trent released my throat, then grabbed me between my legs, squeezing my pussy.
At the same time, I snapped my thumbs back into place, letting out a scream that they all believed was because of his hand grabbing me obscenely.
His eyes gave away his grin that was hidden beneath the balaclava. “Well, you’re gonna. And while you’ve got two stuffed in here at the same time. Ready for that, sugar? Hmm? Where’s the tough talk now?”
He released me, him and his buddies laughing, turning and looking at one another.
“I warned you,” I spoke, a moment before I burst off the chair now I was free of the cuffs, snatched up the heavy metal thing and swung it—right at the bastard’s jaw.
He shrieked like the true bitch men like him doing things like this were, and reeled back, cupping his jaw, dropping his knife in the process. I’d heard the delicious crack as I’d struck him there head-on. It was definitely broken.
They’d wanted pain, they were going to get just that. OnlyIwould be the one inflicting it.
The other three guys came at me, slow in getting to it from their obvious shock.
Well, predators weren’t used to becoming the prey.
I shoved the chair at the closest one, knocking him back, then dove for the blade, snatching it up, dodging a punch aimed at my throat from another, then snagged his arm, wrenched it down, then drove the knife straight into his dick. He squealed, and that got ever louder when I ripped the blade out, then spun into another asshole attempting to grab hold of me, and stabbed it deep into his throat. Blood sprayed all over my hand and splattered my face. He slumped to the ground, bleeding out right before my eyes, essentially drowning in his own blood.
That left the fourth guy and the one whose jaw I’d broken, who I noticed in my peripheral vision was finally pushing off the wall where he’d been reeling.
I didn’t get the chance to retrieve the blade from the fallen guy’s throat because the fourth guy lunged at me. He swung his fist, intending to put me down with a hefty punch to the face, but I reacted quickly, dodging out of the way, then sweeping my leg at his ankles. He landed hard on his knees. Then I was there, wrapping my arm around his throat and working on choking him out. He dug his nails into my arm in an attempt to weaken my grip, but the pain just spurred me on, skyrocketing the adrenaline surging through me.
More than that, calling to the monster in a deeper way.
I’d finally let it out after so long, there was no stopping it now.
I tugged ever harder, making the shit gag and splutter.
Movement behind me reached me, and I thrust my foot out, kicking back the attempted attack.
The guy I was holding weakened in my hold enough for me to fist my hand in his hair, then drive my knee into his face. Over and over. Bloodying him, breaking his nose, and hell knew what else as I just kept slamming into him wildly, giving no quarter, absolutely fucking mercilessly.
I only stopped because I was set upon again.
I released the guy just in time to deflect a punch coming from Trent. Then I spun into a kick that plunged into his ribs and sent him staggering back.
Before he could recover, I executed a round house that sent him stumbling and tripping on one of his fallen buddies. I snatched up the chair and rammed it down onto him; the legs grinding into his flesh and making him curse out into the garage as I put all my weight into it. “Now we’ve gotten started, let’s move onto the meat of it,” I spat, as I held Trent hostage on the concrete, while savoring the whimpers and pained grunts from those remaining conscious.
Down but conscious.
That wasn’t enough for me.
Especially not for the monster.
It needed blood.
It needed agony.
It needed screams.
Itneededtheir fucking lives.