Page 85 of Make The Cut

“You definitely have a broken nose. No worries, I’ll set it on the count of three. One, two…”

“Ouch!” He practically doubles over.

I’m definitelynotrevelling in Ryder’s pain. Well, maybe just a little bit.

“All done.” She dusts off her gloved hands. “Try not to sneeze for the next few days.”

“That’s easier said than done,” Ryder says under his breath, casting the evil eye on me and Poppy from where he sits on a chair opposite to the love seat.

“As for you, Mister…” Dr. Jacobs turns to me. “Meh. That bruise should heal.”

She gently probes my jaw and I struggle to keep a straight face, not wanting Ryder to see me wince.

“You’re alright.”

“Good to know.” I stretch, yawn, and put my arm around Poppy. Partially to annoy Ryder even more. Mostly just because it’s been such a long day that all I’d like to do is hold her and remind myself that I’d take any amount of punches in the jaw from Ryder Black if it meant being with Poppy.

“You’ll be compensated for your services,” Gustav promises her as she takes her bag and leaves. “And Naoya…”

“I know, I know, we shouldn’t have fought, blah, blah, blah.” I stare at my raw knuckles. “Calm down. I’ve learned my lesson, okay?”

I mean, I’m not so sure I have. If I had to do this again, I would.

“I’m disappointed in both of you,” Gustav says. “I’m retiring for the night. You two better not get into any more fistfights before I wake up, or my wife will have your head.”

“Just your wife?” Ryder snorts.

I didn’t even know he had one. “Night, Gustav.”

“Good night, Naoya.” He walks out of the room.

As Poppy goes back to sleep, her head against my chest, I prop my feet up on the coffee table and change the channel to sports, still on mute. On the screen, hockey players start a fight, one of them shoving another onto the boards. Not exactly the most relaxing thing to watch, but it’s mindless and lets me and Ryder avoid talking.

At least, I thought that was what we both wanted. Apparently, not.

“How long has this really been going on?” He gestures between me and Poppy, his tone hushed. “I don’t care what the tabloids say. Lord knows I haven’t done all the crap they’ve written about me. But you do have a reputation for being a womanizer.”

I sigh. “It’s complicated.”

I don’t know how long I’ve been in love with Poppy. I don’t even know when or how or why it started, only that I got bad news one day and realized she was the only one I trusted to share it with. I only realized that I wanted someone to celebrate with and could only turn to her. I realized I wanted an opinion on what to wear and the only one I wanted to ask was her.

“Because of Rose.”

“I don’t give a hoot about Rose. She could go off and marry someone else tomorrow, for all I care. It’s Poppy. It’s… It’s always been Poppy.” I shake my head. “I met her when we were kids, really. We met in the fashion closet when she was interning atLa Mode. We’ve kept in touch for years but… I guess the timing was always off.”

“I see.” He scratches his unshaven jaw, a five o’clock shadow coming in. Or, I guess, one am shadow. “Didn’t know you could fall in love with anyone, Naoya.”

“Neither did I.” Until I’d walked right into it, each step dragging me further down that road, pulling me closer and closer. To her. “That’s all the heart-to-heart you’ll get from me tonight.”

I shift, picking up the throw blanket from the couch and draping it from Poppy. Bending down, I pick her up, about to carry her upstairs to sleep in an actual bed, when Ryder interrupts me.

“Can I crash here tonight?”

Poppy stirs slightly but doesn’t fully wake up.

I shrug. How would she feel about me turning out her brother? I mean, it’s not like he has nowhere to go, but still. “Sure. Sleep on the couch. Or help yourself to one of the guest bedrooms.”

“Thanks. You might be a better guy than I gave you credit for.”