Poppy walks in, carrying an empty coffee cup that she promptly discards in the trash and an outfit in one of those zip-up bags. Her hair is tied into a messy bun and her face is bare except for a swipe of pink lipstick, but her eyes brighten when they land on me. Her lips curve into a grin.
My guard drops, the troubles of the day and worries of the moment fading the moment she walks in. I shouldn’t feel so at peace just seeing her smile. But when she looks up at me, dropping her garment bag onto a chair and fitting her hand in mine, it feels like something is a little more right with the world. A misaligned piece of the puzzle slides into place, and my heart settles into a normal pace.
“C’mere.” I use my grip on her hand to pull her toward me, sliding my free arm around her waist. I brush a stray lock of hair out of her cheek. “You have no idea how much I missed you.”
“I’ve been on set with you all day.” She rests her cheek against my chest, her eyes closing. “How could you have time to miss me?”
“Yes, but I haven’t beenalonewith you all day.” We’ve been keeping our relationship a secret from everyone—God knows how Rose and TJ would react if they caught wind of it—and it feels next to impossible when every time I see her, all I want to do is touch her. Kiss her. Hold her hand. Even just stare at her a little too long.
“I’m here now,” she murmurs, her hand trailing up my back to rub my neck. “You seem tense.”
“Are you offering me a massage, Red?”
“You don’t pay me enough for me to offer one,” she jokes. “And don’t change the subject. What’s wrong?”
I groan and sit down on my chair, pulling her with me. She perches on the arm, resting her head on my shoulder. “Everything except you, Petal.”
“I want to help you.” Her blue eyes are bright and earnest. I’d believe every word that comes out of her lips right now.
“I know, but you’re already helping me by being my stylist.”
“I want to help you with more than your professional life,” she says softly.
“Thisisprofessional,” I say. “I found out that Tyler stole Kaveh’s original song and sang it on the show.”
“You have a soft spot for Kaveh, don’t you?” she asks, nudging me. “You like the kid.”
“Even if I didn’t like him, this whole situation would be a headache. TylerstoleKaveh’s song. I don’t even know if I can eliminate him for it when I’ve done the same thing. I don’t know, Poppy. What do you think I should do?”
She cups my cheek. “The right thing.”
“If I knew that was, I’d do it in a heartbeat, Red.”
“You know what it is. Come on. Just confront Tyler. It doesn’t have to be on camera, you know. Just because you’re a celebrity doesn’t mean everything has to be filmed.”
I sigh, leaning into her touch. “No, you’re right about that.”
We sit in silence for a few moments, enjoying each other’s company. The weight of my problems feels a little lighter with her around. I spy the garment bag she draped over the recliner by the door and frown. “What did you come here for? Not to hear my problems and give me advice, I’m sure.”
“I just wanted to see how you were doing. Also, to drop off an outfit option for the Grammys.”
I frown. “That’s not for another month, at least.”
“I know, but it’s good to make these decisions ahead of time. So that you’re less stressed the day of.”
“Why would I be stressed when I know I’m going to win?” I arch an eyebrow at her.
She snorts, dropping her hand from my face to intertwine her fingers with mine. “You always do that.”
“Do what?” I tug her onto my lap, her mouth inches from mine. The desperation to kiss her floods my veins, and I have to force it down. I’ve never wanted a woman this badly before. Never felt like I’d die if I couldn’t kiss her, couldn’t hold her, couldn’t look at her.
“Cover up your insecurities with arrogance or flirting,” she breathes.
Her words touch a cold part of me that I don’t want to think about, don’t want to let thaw for fear of the primordial sea monsters that lie dormant beneath, waiting for a moment to strike. So I just lean forward and brush my mouth against hers, instead.
She pulls back, her hands fisting the lapels of my jacket. “Why’d you do it?”
“Why do you want to talk right now?” I murmur, brushing my thumb over her wildly fluttering pulse.