Page 20 of Make The Cut

Sasha hugs me with one arm, the other holding her cup. Then she and Colette make introductions and seem to hit it off right away.

I survey Sasha’s outfit, having a one-track mind when it comes to clothes. She’s wearing a pair of baggy jeans with a white crop top, looking effortlessly casual. I wish I could do that, but every time I leave the house without wearing jewellery, makeup, or at least three colours, I feel like I’m missing a limb.

“So, have you guys met anyone yet? I could introduce you to people…” I scan the room, looking for anyone I know. To my surprise, my gaze latches on Skye and Leo in one corner, talking and laughing. I hadn’t realized they would show up to Naoya’s party, of all places, but considering Leo is in the music industry, it makes sense that they would at least be somewhat friendly with each other.

“Sure, that sounds great.” Sasha loops her arm through mine, the friendliness of the gesture surprising me. I don’t mind it—she’s been a good friend to me—but she’s never been so warm to me before.

I eye the contents of her cup, but given the fact that she doesn’tseemdrunk, it’s probably just ginger ale.

“This is my best friend, Skye Holland—sorry, Holland-Perez—and her husband, Leo Perez,” I say after tapping Skye on the shoulder. “Guys, this is my friend fromLa Mode, Sasha, and this is Colette. She’s one of the fashion contestants.”

Skye easily welcomes Sasha and Colette, striking up a conversation about fashion. Meanwhile, I make small talk with Leo, who looks like he was dragged here by his wife and has as much interest in the party as he does in becoming a backup dancer for Britney Spears.

“I heard you’re working for Naoya,” Leo says, giving me a small smile. He clutches a tumbler of clear liquid—probably water, given that I seldom see him drink, and the only drink I saw in his hand at his wedding was one champagne flute.

“Yeah. I’m his stylist.”And his friend.

“I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you this, but you should be careful around him, Poppy.” A divot forms between his brows. “He’s not—well, I think his reputation speaks for itself.”

“AndIthink you of all people would know better than to judge people by what the tabloids say about them,” I say softly, recalling that Leo’s biological father, Antonio Perez, is currently in prison for sexual coercion and assault. Back when the scandal first broke, many suggested that Leo was just like his father.

Leo looks chagrined, a faint blush visible beneath his olive complexion. “You’re Skye’s friend, and I don’t want you to get hurt, that’s all. I’m sorry if I overstepped.”

My shoulders uncoil. I don’t know why I feel so defensive of Naoya, anyway, so eager to protect this other side of him that no one else sees. “It’s fine. I know you meant well.”

“Are you guys talking about me?” Skye spins around, her braid nearly whipping me in the eye.

I take a quick step back with a grin. “Leo was telling me about all your terrible habits. But I already know all of them from being your roommate, like how you snore in the winter and sleep with the window open because you love the sound of police sirens.”

“I donotsnore,” Skye retorts with a laugh. “And I keep the window open for a nice breeze.”

“Why use the expensive air conditioning that you already pay for, am I right?” Leo deadpans.

Sasha chuckles. “Skye was just saying that you guys have been friends since college. All my friends back home—“ She stops herself abruptly, shaking her head. “Well, it would be nice to have a friend in L.A..”

Curiosity unfurls within me, a budding stem in the pit of my stomach. “You do.Me.”

“And me,” Colette pipes up, her arm now flung around Sasha’s shoulders. I think both of them must be drinking since their expressions suggest they’re about to go cry in the bathroom together or make friendship bracelets.

“Aww. Thanks, Poppy, Colette.” Sasha’s smile is genuine, the worry in her brown eyes softening.

“By the way, I hope you don’t mind that I told her all your dark secrets,” Skye jokes. My gut clenches. Although Skye knew about the blog, there are a dozen other things I’ve kept from her as we grew apart, with her moving out and marrying Leo. “Like how you sometimes don’t take off your makeup at night and just retouch it the next morning. Or how—“

To cut her off, I reach into my purse and throw the first thing I find at her. Which happens to be my Kindle. I wince as it sails toward her. At least I put a case on it.

Skye ducks and it clips the shoulder of the person behind her.

A fit of nervous giggles erupts out of my throat as the man turns around.


He picks up the e-reader from the floor and reads aloud as I scramble toward him uselessly. “He caresses my cheek. My breathing quickens and I have to do everything just to keep from—“

“Stop!” Reaching him, I snatch the device out of his hands with a furious blush, trying to keep my breathing normal. “Give me that.”

“What’s the magic word?” He holds it above his head with a teasing grin that makes me want to slap him. Or ki—

Nope. Not going there.