“Poppy, aren’t you tired of fighting with people? I mean, River has his whole thing, and now Ryder?”
“Come on, Skye. I think we’re the last people to try to give each other family advice. I love you, but I’m… working through some things.” She has her share of familial drama, from an older brother, Aaron, who always bullies her, to his twin sister, Isabelle, who only recently reconciled with her. “Oh wait, did I tell you? I ran into Naoya the other day.”
“Naoya Sugawa? The one who stole Ryder’s song?” Skye’s eyebrows shoot up and disappear under her curtain bangs.
“The one and only.”
“Where? What did you guys… wait, I didn’t even know you guys were on a first-name basis with each other.”
“Uh…” I never told Skye about the cat debacle that led to me meeting Naoya in the fashion closet. Or the countless other times that we ran into each other. Or that we danced at her wedding at the end of the night, after she and Leo had driven off. Or the fact that I have him saved under my phone contacts as Lucky with a four-leaf clover next to it. He feels like a secret I just want to keep to myself, scared that if our friendship comes to the light, it’ll disintegrate. “We met at your wedding.”
She leans her chin on her hand. “Oh, right. He got in by being someone’s plus-one. Otherwise, I don’t think Leo ever would have let him attend.”
“Right.” I forgot that her husband once got into a fistfight with Naoya. Then again, who could keep track of Naoya Sugawa’s rap sheet? It’s longer than a Target receipt after you pop in, sayingI’ll just buyonething, and leave with twelve candles, seventeen throw pillows, and a new tumbler.
“Anyway, what else is new with you besides the whole job search? Have you started seeing anyone new after what Dean did?” Skye says, leaning forward across the table.
My love life is about as dismal as my career prospects. “One of the last dates I went on turned out to be with my dentist. On the bright side, I have no cavities.”
Skye frowns. “Wait, what? Did you go on a date with himbeforeorafterhe became your dentist?”
I glance down sheepishly at my plate, before mumbling, “After.”
He also lectured me about ordering a Diet Coke, which he said is worse for your teeth than regular Coke. Who knew?
“This is an emergency. I need to stage an intervention.”
“IfHow I Met Your Mothertaught me anything, it’s that you don’ttellpeople about interventions before you stage them. You just put up the banner.”
My phone rings, making me jump out of my seat. I will admit that I have given Naoya Sugawa a special ringtone—it’s one of his songs—and I’m also not ashamed to say that my heart jumps a little when he calls. After all, whowouldn’tbe a little flattered by a world-famous pop star calling them?
Excusing myself from the table, I get up and go to the bathroom.
“Hey there.”
“Poppy. Did I catch you at a bad time?” He sounds slightly short of breath.
“No, not at all.” A toilet flushes beside me and I cringe.
“Listen, do you still need a job?”
“Thanks for reminding me that I’m unemployed, I had nearly forgotten,” I deadpan.
“My stylist went on maternity leave early. I need someone to take her place. Do you think you’re up for it?”
Oh, my gosh. This is everything I’ve wanted for the last week.
Wait, what if he’s just hiring me because we’re friends? If we weren’t friends, he wouldn’t even know I existed, and he definitely wouldn’t hire me now.
Oh, shut up, Poppy. Just take the chance.
I do a happy dance and nearly bump my elbow on the toilet paper dispenser. “Yes, I’ll take the job.”
I don’t care that just moments ago, I told Skye not to make Leo pull strings for me. This isn’t pulling strings. I’mnotquestioning whether I would get this job if I hadn’t met Naoya in the fashion closet all those years ago.
Naoyajusthappens to need a stylist, and I happen to have the qualifications. Right? I’m not one of those people who gets a job through nepotism. I have a right to be taking this position. Sucking in a deep breath, I try to focus on his response.