Page 26 of On the Beat

“Are you hungry, Isla?” Atarah asks, shifting in her seat. “We should go eat something, it’s almost noon!”

“Good idea,” Lola says, a smile crinkling her brown eyes at the corners. “We could go to Corong-Corong Beach for fresh fruits, or—”

“Oh, it would be so fun to have a boodle fight,” suggestsTitaEvangeline. “It’s too bad that we don’t have more of the family here, or we could do that, too.”

I’m secretly glad that there isn’t, or I would be far too overwhelmed by meeting everyone on top of having a big, messy, no-utensils-allowed meal that is the boodle fight. I did it once or twice back home with my family, but it was a rare occasion, for holidays or birthdays. “That does sound fun.”

“Oh, can we go to Art Cafe?” Gloria suggests.

Atarah looks at her with a knowing grin. “You just want to go there for the free Wi-Fi.”

“I love the food there,” Gloria says with an automatic reply that makes me think she’s definitely there for the free wi-fi. “Their French toast is to die for.”

“I do like their seafood basket,” Evangeline says. “To Art Cafe, we go!”

I bite back a laugh. “Sure, that sounds good.”

We get to the restaurant, a cute boutique connected to a cafe that’s true to its name, with rainbow-painted walls and cozily situated chairs and tables, serving a mixture of Italian, Filipino, and Indian food. I order a vegetable pancit, while Gloria gets the French toast with bacon, Atarah a fish fillet with mango salsa, Evangeline a seafood basket with fries, and Lola the tuna steak with a side of garlic rice. .

Tita Evangeline turns her discerning eyes on me, stirring her guava juice. “Do you have a boyfriend back in L.A., Isla?”

“Uh…” Much to my parents’ disappointment, the answer is absolutely not. “Nope. I went on a date right before I left, but things didn’t work out.”

“Oh, I heard about that!” Tita Evangeline says, before clapping a hand over her mouth like she’s said something she shouldn’t.

“You’ve heard about… what?” A frown pinches my brows together. I suspect I know what she means… But I really wish I didn’t. “My date?”

“Your mother called me after you told her about your blind date.” Genuine concern wells up in her brown eyes, and I feel bad for assuming the worst of her: that she’s a meddling older relative trying to arrange relationships for her children, nieces, and nephews. “It didn’t go well?”

“He was…” I stir a spoon through my buko pandan, scooping up a chunk of pandan jelly. “Not the right guy for me. That’s all.”

Lola says, “Ah, you young people. You know, when I married your Lolo, he had to win me. These days, you just go on dates and watch Netflix. Your grandfather had to bringgiftsand do work.”

Gloria rolls her eyes, while Atarah laughs. Evangeline looks torn between agreeing with her mother and saying something against her.

Gloria clears her throat.. “So, if I’m supposed to be married by thirty, when am I going to be allowed todate?”

“Never,” Lola and Tita Evangeline say in unison.

I choke on my drink, nearly spluttering before stopping myself with a deep, ragged breath.

“Dating is for no-good trollops,” Atarah jokes, a smile playing on her lips.

“How did you meet your boyfriend, then?” Gloria challenges her, shifting her braid onto her other shoulder before pinning it into a twist. “Didn’t you two date?”

“We were chaperoned at mass,” Atarah says, and I have no idea if she’s being serious or not. “Everyone’s family was there.”

“He didn’tproposein church,” Gloria banters.

Lola and Evangeline watch them with amused looks.

Gloria clears her throat. “You know, I would love to set you up with some guys, Isla. It’s not like you have to marry any of them.”

Atarah continues fanning herself with the napkin. “I volunteer to help.”

I have a feeling this won’t be such a relaxing day after all.

* * *