"I'm looking forward to it. And I'm also looking forward to reconnecting with my sisters and hearing all of their stories."
Jasmine's face lit up. "There's a cul-de-sac near the old center of the village with four houses around it, and by old I mean nearly brand new, but I digress. Anyway, they're all empty right now because the Guardians who lived there moved to Kian's part of the village." Her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "It would be perfect for us. You, me, Ell-rom, and all your sisters with their families. Everyone together but with their own private spaces."
The image was so vivid, so tantalizing, that Kyra clung to it. A safe haven for all of them, a place where they could heal and reconnect, where the children could grow up surrounded by family.
"It sounds magical," she admitted.
A shadow crossed Jasmine's face. "I wish I could come with you," she said, the words bursting out as if she'd been holding them back. "I hate the thought of you going into danger without me there. But I also know the girls need me here."
Kyra reached out to brush a strand of hair from Jasmine's face. "You're their anchor, Jasmine. Their link to this new world. And you are so strong. They know that they can count on you."
"Yes, and they are not wrong, but they need you more. Promise that you will come back."
The simple request carried the weight of all their lost years, all the separation and longing they'd both endured. Kyra felt her pendant warm against her skin, as if responding to the gravity of the moment.
"I promise," she said, meaning it with every fiber of her being. "Fate didn't bring us together only to tear us apart."
"I love you, Mom," Jasmine whispered. "I always have."
The words broke something open inside Kyra's chest—a dam holding back emotions she hadn't allowed herself to fully acknowledge. She reached for her daughter and hugged her tightly, breathing in the scent of her hair, memorizing the feel of her in her arms.
"I love you too," she whispered back, the words feeling both new and ancient on her tongue. "Subconsciously, I've always known you were out there. I just didn't dare to believe."
Max reviewed Turner's intelligence briefings, studied the maps of Tehran showing the locations of Kyra's sisters' homes, and committed the extraction protocols to memory.
He should go to sleep, but he was reluctant to leave the penthouse and go down to the Guardians' shared apartment.
He wondered whether Kyra was done talking to Jasmine in the living room. He had ventured out of the home office earlier, wanting to get some of the leftovers from dinner, but when he heard them talking and realized that they were sharing a moment, he quietly retreated to the office and went over the maps again.
As a soft knock at his door pulled him from his thoughts, he knew right away it was Kyra, and a moment later the door opened and she walked in, wearing a loose T-shirt and leggings. Her hair was down, framing her face in soft waves, making her look younger, and somehow less formidable.
"Are you still working?" she asked.
"I'm done. I should be heading to bed." He closed the laptop and rose to his feet.
"Yeah, me too, except I don't think sleep is going to happen. I'm too hyped up."
He smiled. "Want me to sing you a lullaby?"
He'd meant it as a joke and was surprised when she nodded.
"I would love that. Jasmine told me that you are a great singer and that I should ask you to sing to me sometime. How about you sing to me now?"
"Sure. Here?"
She chuckled and reached for his hand. "Not here. Have you ever seen the penthouse master bedroom?"
She was inviting him to her bedroom?
They'd shared kisses, touches, but he knew this wasn't about sex. She just needed someone to be with her tonight because her emotions were all over the place.
"Can't say that I have. Do you want to give me a tour?"
She nodded and turned around, tugging him by the hand to follow her.