Azadeh's message was the briefest but perhaps the most poignant. "Tell my mother I understand now. About the blue. I understand."

The cryptic nature of the message raised questions in Kyra's mind, but the raw emotion in Azadeh's voice made it clear this was deeply meaningful to both mother and daughter.

"I'll tell them," Kyra promised, her own eyes misting. "And I'll make sure they know how brave you've all been."

The pendant at her throat warmed against her skin, not the uncomfortable heat from earlier but a soothing pulse, like a heartbeat, echoing the promise she'd made.



Max's phone buzzed just as he was helping Fenella and Ell-rom clear the last of the dinner dishes. He pulled it from his pocket, noting the late hour.

A text from Onegus.Mission briefing in Kian's old office. Bring Kyra. Video conference in twenty minutes.

He glanced across the room to Kyra, who was sitting with the girls. Her expression was soft as she listened to them share memories of their homes. The tenderness in her eyes touched him, making his chest expand with feelings for this incredible woman and her young charges.

"Hey," he called, hating to interrupt the moment but knowing they should be getting ready. "Onegus wants us downstairs. Mission briefing in twenty. Just enough time to grab a quick cup of coffee for a pick-me-up and head out."

As Kyra looked up, her expression transformed, and instead of the caring aunt of a moment ago, he was now looking at the rebel leader.

"Is the rest of the team on its way?" she asked.

"Video conference," Max clarified. "The others are meeting in Kian's office in the village."

She nodded, turning back to the girls with a gentle smile. "I need to go, and it will probably take a while. Go to sleep, okay? I'll see you in the morning before we leave."

"Is Jasmine going to stay with us?" Arezoo asked.

"Yes. She and Ell-rom will probably take you to the village, but I'm not sure how soon they will have a house ready for us, so it might happen after I return."

Arezoo nodded. "Is Jasmine going to tell us what's happening?"

Kyra shifted her gaze to Max. "I don't know the procedures."

"I will call her with updates," he said. "Don't worry, girls. We have a great team, and we will bring your mothers to you provided that they want to come. We are not going to force anyone."

There was so much hope in those four sets of eyes, and Max hoped he wasn't making promises he couldn't keep.

"Here are your coffees." Jasmine handed each of them a cup. "Take them with you. You don't want to keep the others waiting."

"Good point." Max took the cup from her. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Ready?" he asked Kyra.

She nodded. "Let's go."

They rode the elevator down in companionable silence, Max keenly aware of her presence beside him. The determinationradiating from her slender frame was almost palpable. She might look delicate, but there was steel in her spine that he admired. He considered pulling her in for a kiss and easing some of her tension, but he had a feeling she wouldn't appreciate that right now.

Maybe later.

Maybe she would like to do more than kissing.

There was nothing better for releasing stress before a mission than a good session in bed, but given what Kyra had been through, she probably wasn't ready for that.

Even an obtuse knucklehead like him knew that.