"Brandon's personal shopper came through once again," Jasmine said.

Max walked over to Kyra. "I have something for you," he said, showing her his phone screen. "The message came through while I was outside." He handed it to her.

It was the prearranged signal from her rebel contacts to check the secure messaging app, and her heart rate quickened as she opened it.

The message from Soran was brief and couched in their standard code, but its meaning was clear:suspicious activity in Tahav near the destroyed compound. Unknown men asking questions of the local residents. The rebels are moving to a new, more distant camp as a precaution.

"Bad news?" Max asked, watching her face.

"Potentially," Kyra said, handing the phone back. "Some men are poking around Tahav, asking questions about the compound. My people are relocating as a precaution."

Max nodded thoughtfully. "Makes sense. Someone was bound to investigate what happened there."

"Do you think it's related to my family?" Kyra asked, lowering her voice to prevent the girls from overhearing.

"It doesn't sound like it. Your sisters all live in Tehran, and your friends didn't mention any women accompanying these men, right?"

"They didn't, but maybe they had left the girls somewhere while they were snooping around the compound. Did your contacts in Iran find anything about my family yet?"

"I haven't heard anything from Kian, so I assume he hasn't heard anything from Turner."

Jasmine had sent over the information about her sisters and their families, but it was nighttime there, so Kyra shouldn't be surprised that there was no news.

"I still need to make that call," Max said, gesturing toward the terrace.

"Of course," Kyra said, stepping back.

As Max turned to leave, he caught Fenella's eye across the room, and once again, something unspoken passed between them—another of those significant looks that made Kyra's stomach tighten uncomfortably.

Fenella gave him a slight nod in response.

Whatever was happening between them, they were clearly in sync, operating on a wavelength Kyra couldn't access, and the realization hurt.

Her pendant warmed again against her shirt, almost in sympathy with her aching heart.

She watched Max slide the door closed behind him, his broad shoulders silhouetted against the late-setting sun. Tomorrow, they would leave for Iran together, and Fenella would stay behind. Perhaps by the time they returned, things between them would sort themselves out.



Max leaned against the glass railing with his phone clutched in his hand, gazing at the street below without really seeing it.

After fifty years of silence between him and Din, he wondered if Din had his number in his contacts, even though William and his team regularly updated everyone's phones. Knowing Din, the guy had erased Max's contact information out of spite after every update.

If he had, it would be an advantage because he wouldn't know who was calling him and would have to answer to find out. It was the middle of the night in Scotland, which would also work in Max's favor since Din would hopefully be confused.

The strategy was shock and awe—blast Din with the incredible news before the guy could say a single word or hang up.

Max hit the call button and waited to deliver the opening he'd rehearsed in his mind. The phone rang a few times, then stopped, replaced by a groggy, "Hello?"

After all this time, Din's voice was unmistakable even when thick with sleep.

"I found Fenella and she's immortal." Max rushed the words out before Din could fully wake up and realize who was calling. "She was a Dormant, and I must have induced her unknowingly."

The silence that followed stretched so long that Max wondered if the connection had dropped. He checked his screen, and the call was still active.

"Din? You there?"