Jasmine frowned. "Why did you think that?"
"I don't get monthly periods like other women."
Jasmine's eyes filled with understanding. "You can have children, Kyra, just not easily. I have so much to tell you. So much to explain about what happened to you."
Fenella stirred on the narrow seat next to Max, her eyelids fluttering, and then her eyes were open, but clouded with confusion.
"Hey," he said softly, not wanting to startle her. "You're safe. We got you out."
She looked at the down blanket covering her then lifted her eyes to the jet's ceiling and turned to look at the small window, and then back at him. "You must be a hallucination. There is no way you are here."
Max was glad that she was at least thinking clearly now and not imagining that she was dead and seeing him in the afterlife. He'd already told her that he was like her, immortal, but he wasn't surprised that she didn't remember their conversation. She'd been loopy from the sedatives.
"It's me, and yes, I know that I look the same as I did fifty years ago. So do you." He smiled. "Ever wondered how come you didn't age?"
Her eyes widened with fright. "What happened to us? Who did that? Why?"
He chuckled. "Those are not the kinds of questions I can answer with one-word replies. You will have to be patient." He reached for a bottle of water. "I'm sure you are thirsty." He removed the cap and then remembered that she couldn't drink while lying down and brought her seat up. "Have some water." He handed her the bottle. "Small sips."
She wrapped her hands around the bottle, and as she took a small sip just as he had instructed, her eyes closed, and she groaned. "God, this is so good."
As she took another sip and then another, Max wondered whether he should take the bottle away from her like he had seen Jasmine do to Kyra, but he didn't have the heart. Fenella was now gulping the water down, and he had a feeling that she would fight him if he tried to take the bottle away.
Instead, he shook his head. "If you can't hold the water down, just try not to puke all over me."
She glared at him over the bottle but kept on drinking until there was nothing left. "I guess there is no chance you will give me another."
"Sorry." He assumed an apologetic expression. "You are really not supposed to drink so much all at once."
He laughed. "You are still just as feisty as I remember. I'm glad they didn't manage to beat it out of you."
Her momentary bravado vanished in an instant, and the look of fear on her face cut him to the core.
He took the empty bottle and set it aside, then clasped her hand, which had been steady before but was shaking now. "You are safe, Fenella. I won't let anything happen to you."
She shook her head and averted her eyes, which started leaking tears.
"Look at me," he said more firmly than he'd intended.
When she did, he forced his voice to soften. "I meant what I said. I'm taking you to a safe place where you will be surrounded by others who are like us. The bad guys will never get to you again. I mean it. Never."
She nodded. "I trust you. I don't know why, though. You were a shitty boyfriend who dumped me without a word and never even bothered to find out what happened to me."
He winced. "It was just a summer fling, Fenella. I never promised you anything."
He hadn't made any promises, but he'd inadvertently given her the greatest gift imaginable, exposing her to a great danger at the same time.
"Is there anything to eat?" Kyra asked across the aisle.
Fenella's eyes widened, and when Jasmine responded in the affirmative, she squeezed his hand. "I'm starving. Any chance there is more for me?"
He smiled. "Of course. I'll warm up a meal for you."