The girls would know. Given how they were afraid to go home, Kyra imagined that their fathers were fanatical monsters, but even though some women were like that as well, she refused to believe that her sisters could embrace such psychotic, murderous customs.
"I don't even know my sisters' names or how old they are," she whispered.
Kian's eyes softened. "We will find out soon enough. Our hacker has limited access to Iranian information, but perhaps he will have more luck with this than he had tracking your family there."
"I doubt it," Max said. "I think Kyra's father made sure that information about his family was difficult or impossible to access given his position in the Revolutionary Guard. These guys are not very popular with the general Iranian public."
"True." Kian rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. "Perhaps your rebel friends can help us find out?"
Kyra shook her head. "We are a local group. They might contact other groups that operate in Tehran, but I wouldn't risk the contact for a personal matter."
Kian nodded. "I understand. Just let your people know to look out for another shipment of prisoners arriving at Tahav."
"I will." She turned to Max. "Can I use your phone again?"
"Are you going to call them?" he asked as he handed her the device.
"Of course not. I'll leave a message at a number they check from time to time. If they have any information for me, they will do that the same way."
She started typing the message, explaining in general terms what to look out for and to leave a message for her if they noticed anything, but not to engage.
Alone at last with Kyra in the elevator, Max was hyperaware of her presence. She was fidgeting with her pendant again, a sign that she was anxious about the conversation awaiting her in the penthouse.
Learning that the four young women they'd rescued were her nieces had been shocking enough, and now she had to explain to them not only their relationship but also the hidden world of immortals they'd unknowingly been thrust into.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
She gave a slight shake of her head. "Where do I even start? I'm so nervous."
Before he could overthink it, he cupped her face and kissed her. For a heartbeat, she remained frozen in surprise. Then her lips softened under his, and she melted into the kiss. Her hands found their way to his chest, fingers curling into his shirt.
Heat flared between them, but the kiss was about more than that. It was about comfort, reassurance, and the release of pent-up energy.
When she sighed against his mouth, he deepened the kiss, wanting to chase away her worries if only for a moment.
Time seemed to stretch and compress all at once. He could have stayed there forever, learning the taste of her, memorizing the small sounds she made in the back of her throat.
But the ping announcing the elevator arriving at its destination broke the magic, and they stepped apart.
Kyra's cheeks were flushed, her lips slightly swollen. "That was unexpected."
"Good unexpected?" He couldn't quite keep the hint of uncertainty from his voice.
She smiled, and his heart did that silly little flip. "Very good unexpected, but also reckless. What if someone called the elevator to one of the other floors?"
"When the destination is the penthouse, the elevator doesn't stop anywhere on the way." He led her out into the vestibule with a hand on the small of her back. "One of the perks of Kian owning the building."
"That's convenient," she murmured, still looking a bit dazed from the kiss, but much more relaxed.
He desperately wanted to kiss her again but forced himself to refrain and to walk up to the double doors leading to the penthouse. "Should we ring the bell or just walk in?"
She looked up at him. "You tell me. I don't know what the protocol is."
"You live here now, so I guess you should just open the door."