"Smart, right?" the Doomer continued. "The more the better. I could have started a breeding program of my own and created my own army of immortal warriors."
"How are the girls related to Kyra?" Toven asked.
"Three are the daughters of one sister and one is the daughter of another. Kyra doesn't have any brothers, but she has four younger sisters." An evil grin spread over his face. "I snatched them because they were all together, but there is more where they came from. I hope my men got their hands on the next crop, including the mothers and the children. The boys might be turned into soldiers and the girls can become my breeders. The mothers are old and not as pleasing to look at as the young ones, but they might still be fertile. I realized that the more of them I have, the faster I can grow my immortal army."
Had the idiot forgotten the situation he was in? He was never leaving this underground and never getting his hands on those women, but his buddies were another story.
The team had to go back and rescue the rest of Kyra's family.
Achill made Kyra shiver while her blood boiled at the same time. "We need to save them before those monsters get to them."
Max pushed his chair closer to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "We are probably too late to get them before they are taken, but we will get them out. I promise."
Kyra's entire body started shaking. It was just too much. She had four sisters, and the four girls upstairs were her nieces, and the demon in the other room had hurt all of them.
"Did you share your findings with anyone in the Brotherhood?" Toven asked.
The Doomer snorted. "Are you daft? I just told you that I want to create my own breeding program. You think Lord Navuh would approve of my plan?"
"No, I guess not," Toven said in a calm tone as if he was talking about the weather. "Those you sent to collect Kyra's family members, do they know what you intend to do with them?"
"They know I run experiments, but they think I just want to find out how to turn humans immortal. They are too dumb to connect the dots like I did."
"Those who were with you in the facility are dead," Toven said matter-of-factly, using the same calm tone. "And those who you sent to collect more victims will soon be dead as well."
Toven's words had no impact on the Doomer, and Kyra realized that he wasn't right in the head. Not that the cruel sadist ever could have been normal, but his behavior indicated a deeper problem than that. She would have suspected drugs, but she doubted he had been given anything other than sedatives. Then again, perhaps they needed him calm to tell them all he knew so they had given him something else.
She leaned over to Max. "What drugs did they give him?"
He shook his head. "Nothing that could explain his behavior. It's like he's not aware of what's going on with him. He still thinks that he's going to continue his breeding program."
"What did you do to Kyra during her captivity other than trying to get her pregnant?" Toven asked, changing direction.
Kyra tensed, her hand tightening around Max's.
"Blood work, tissue samples, hormonal analysis."
"You are not a real doctor," Toven said. "You didn't study medicine. How did you know what to do?"
"I found a fertility expert and got him to serve as my assistant," the Doomer said. "Did you kill him too?"
"Probably." Toven looked at Kian.
Kian shrugged. "I don't know, but I certainly hope so." He tapped his earpiece. "Max, did you kill the assistant?"
"Everyone who was around Durhad is dead. In fact, everyone who was inside the building and didn't run away when the attack started is most likely dead. We blew up the entire facility."
"Good." Kian tapped his earpiece again. "I would have hated to have to go back for the assistant and his laboratory." He turned to Toven. "We need details on Kyra's other nieces. We need to get them out."
Kyra tapped her microphone. "My sisters too,"
Kian nodded in her direction and then communicated her request to Toven.
The next several questions were aimed at collecting information about her sisters' locations in Iran, and where Durhad's buddies would take the girls once they discovered that the compound was destroyed.