Kyra was relieved that her father was dead. If he were still alive, she would have felt compelled to face him, but he was gone, and she could forget about him once again.
"So, you thralled Kyra and decided to have a little fun while at it?" The god sounded slurred, and Kyra had a feeling that his fangs were out, but she couldn't see his face from where she was sitting. Just his profile.
The Doomer had the audacity to shrug. "She was already a whore, so what difference did it make? I was doing her a favor bykeeping her alive, and as it turned out, I did her a greater favor than I could have imagined. I made her immortal."
Max held on to Kyra's sweaty hand, wishing he could do more for her. Her father was lucky to be dead, because if he were still alive, Max would have made it his mission to find him and make him pay for what he had done to his daughter.
The Doomer would also pay for what he had done and for insulting her on top of that, and Max didn't care if he was tried for insubordination after beating the scumbag to a pulp, but he wasn't planning on asking anyone's permission to do it.
"How did you know that she turned immortal because of you?" Toven asked.
The Doomer smiled for the first time since the interrogation had started.
"I put two and two together. Regrettably, Kyra escaped before I realized what had happened. I saw the footage from the surveillance cameras, and I knew that I hadn't given her any drugs that could have made her that strong. Naturally, drugs were the explanation I gave the bewildered doctors of theinstitution, and they had no choice but to accept it. I've been searching for her ever since, and then when I finally found her, you showed up out of nowhere. What were you looking for?"
"You are not the one asking the questions," Kian said. "We are. What about Fenella?"
Toven had to repeat the question since Kian's commanding voice wasn't enough to compel the Doomer to answer.
"That was another fortunate chance encounter. I took it as a sign from Mortdh that I should father immortal sons of my own, and then Kyra came right to me, after I'd looked for her for over two decades, to the facility I was using for my project, and I knew that I'd read the signs correctly. That was what Mortdh wanted me to do, and he sent two immortal females to me to become the mothers of my immortal sons."
Kyra's hand tightened around Max's. "What if I'm pregnant?"
"You're not."
"How can you be sure? Jasmine told me that immortal females ovulate on demand."
He turned to her and cupped her cheek. "Conception is rare, and it happens with the right partner. The monster on the other side of the glass is not that."
She let out a breath. "I hope you are right, and I hope that's true for Fenella as well. She doesn't deserve to carry the devil's spawn."
Max couldn't agree more.
"Why did you keep them sedated?" Kian asked.
This time Toven didn't need to repeat the question.
The Doomer shifted in his chair as much as the restraints allowed. "I injected them with every fertility drug I could get my hands on. I assumed that they were on some sort of contraceptives, so I found what could be given to counteract them, but neither conceived. I remembered Mortdh's teachings about the wickedness of women, and how they need to submit to breed, so I roughed them up a little. Nothing too excessive, just enough to show them who was in charge."
"I'm going to kill him," Max hissed. "I'm going to tear him apart with my fangs until there's nothing left of him to regenerate. Or maybe I will allow him to regenerate so I can do that all over again."
Tears glistened in Kyra's eyes as she turned to him. "That's what he did to Fenella and me. He beat us up and by morning we were as good as new. He thought it was great fun."
In the other room, silence stretched like hot tar over the interrogators. Kian's eyes were glowing, and Max was sure his fangs were fully elongated by now, but the Doomer was too fried to realize that. He was still smiling like a fiend, happy with how smart he had been.
"What about the four human girls?" Toven asked in a surprisingly even tone. "Why did you capture them?"
"A stroke of genius." The Doomer straightened his shoulders as much as the chains allowed. "Regrettably, it only occurred to me recently that I knew where to find Kyra's relatives, and that if she turned immortal from my bite, perhaps some of them would too."
Kyra gasped. "The girls are my family?"
Max squeezed her hand, suddenly worried that one of them or more could be pregnant, even though the chances of that were negligible. Immortal males' fertility was as low as the fertility of immortal females, but the idiot didn't know that.
Bridget was arriving later in the afternoon, and she would conduct all the necessary testing. Hopefully, she'd confirm that none of the females were pregnant.