Kyra watched with a smile as Yamanu and his mate embraced like a couple of long-lost lovers finally reunited. The female was tall, as befitted someone of Yamanu's impressive stature, and she was absolutely gorgeous.
The beautiful blonde who stood next to the embracing couple had tears in her eyes, and Kyra had a feeling that she was the seer even though no one had physically described her. The kindness that Max had spoken of was written all over her expressive face.
She considered it a great honor that the clan leader's mate had come to greet them.
"Wait!" The blonde lifted her hand as Jasmine took a step down. "Let all the men deplane first so the ladies can change on board. We brought clothing and shoes for everyone."
Behind her, Kyra heard Fenella let out a breath. "That's a great idea. None of us have shoes, and we are wearing T-shirts for dresses."
"Will do!" Jasmine called back before turning around. "Did everyone hear Syssi?"
There were a few grumbles of acknowledgment, but most hadn't heard the seer, and Jasmine repeated the instructions.
The three of them returned to their seats, and in moments everyone else other than the four girls deplaned, including Max and Ell-rom who'd both seemed reluctant to leave them behind.
"It's okay," Kyra told the four frightened women in Kurdish. "We are getting clothes, and everyone else is leaving to give us privacy to change."
When they looked at her with puzzled expressions on their faces, she repeated what she'd said in Farsi.
"Who are these people?" one of the four asked. "Are they with the Kurdish resistance?"
Kyra had slept until the jet started its descent, so there had been no time to explain before. "They are friends, and we are safe. That's all I can tell you for now."
"Where are we?" another one asked.
"The United States of America," Kyra said proudly.
After all, she was a citizen even though she didn't have the passport to prove it.
The response was four wide-eyed expressions and then big smiles, followed by happy tears and hugs. The four seemed to know each other, but whether they had been abducted together or had gotten to know each other in prison was something she would have to find out later, because Syssi and Yamanu's mateappeared in the doorway with several shopping bags, and big smiles on both of their faces.
Syssi dropped the bags in the aisle, walked up to Kyra, and pulled her into a gentle embrace. "I'm so glad we were able to get you out. Your ordeal is over."
Tears pooled in Kyra's eyes. "Thank you. I was told that I owe my rescue to you. You are the seer who saw me getting captured."
"I didn't see that," Syssi admitted. "I saw you imprisoned, the first and the second time." She turned to look at Fenella. "Frankly, I'm not sure which one of you I saw. You look a lot alike, and visions are not always clear."
"I don't care who you saw," Fenella said. "I'm just glad to be out."
Syssi pulled her into a brief hug as well then turned back to Kyra. "I have translating earpieces for the other women who don't speak English. Can you explain to them what they are for?" She pulled a small white case out of her coat pocket and opened it. "I'll show you how to activate them so you can translate."
After she explained what the earpieces were for, the girls eagerly snatched the translating devices out of Syssi's hands, and a few moments later, everyone knew how to use them.
"Say something," Syssi encouraged, pointing to her own ears to show them that she had a pair as well. "Mine will translate your language into English for me."
"Thank you for saving us," one of the girls said.
"You're welcome," Syssi replied.
Fenella shifted from foot to foot. "Do you have one for me as well? I know a little Farsi and a little Kurdish but not enough to converse."
"Of course." Syssi pulled another white case out of her pocket and handed it to her. "Do you need me to explain again how they work?"
"No, I got it." Fenella pulled the earpieces out of the case, put them in her ears, and activated them. "Say something in Kurdish," she told Kyra.
"I wonder how you got to be in that prison."