‘Do you remember a regular called Calvin Harris?’
She pressed her red lips together and furrowed her brows. Light glinted off the optics behind her. ‘I can’t say that I do, but I bet some of the guys over there might know him.’
‘He used to play chess.’
Elouise glanced across at the men and one of them laughed as he slammed a domino on the table. ‘Wally over there used to play chess. He’s a bit of a grandmaster. If anyone remembers a fellow chess player from that long ago, it’ll be Wally.’
‘We obviously don’t want to disturb their fun but,’ – Gina glanced back – ‘we need some information on Calvin Harris. Someone’s safety depends on it and it can’t wait.’
‘I watched the news earlier. Is it anything to do with the man found dead in his car?’
Gina knew that Briggs had not mentioned how John Doe had died in his press release, so she kept tight-lipped.
‘It’s an ongoing investigation, so I can’t say anything, but it would really help if we could take Wally somewhere to talk.’
‘I understand.’ Elouise glanced into the back room where the pool table was kept. ‘It’s empty in there. I’ll put the jukebox on in here, too, if you want some added privacy.’
‘Thank you.’ Gina drank the rest of her coffee and Jacob popped his empty crisp packet down next to his cup. She slid off the stool and headed towards the table of men with her identification. ‘Sorry to interrupt. Wally?’
‘Hang on, I’m about to take this lot down.’ He placed his last domino on the table and the others roared and headed to the bar. ‘What can I do for a lovely young lady like yourself?’
‘I’m DI Harte and this is DS Driscoll. Would you mind if we go into the other room to talk?’
The jukebox began to blare out ‘Hey Jude’ by The Beatles, and a couple of the men began to sing along as they waited for their fresh pints. Gina nodded her thanks to Elouise for distracting them.
‘Of course not, but we’ll be starting a new game in a minute.’
‘We promise not to keep you long.’
The man struggled to stand, his shoulders and upper back hunched over. He leaned towards the other seat, grabbed a walking stick and began to hobble towards the back room.
Gina and Jacob slowly followed until he found a seat next to the pool table. Wally groaned as he bent down to sit. ‘Oh, to be young and fit again like you two are.’
They sat opposite him and Jacob was poised, ready to take down any information that might help them. Gina had pulled a seat with a back from another table. She didn’t feel young or fit, and sitting on a stool would give her backache.
‘What can I do for you? I’m assuming you’re not here to arrest me, but if you are I don’t know what I’ve done.’ He burst out laughing. ‘Actually, when I was drunk sometime back in 1972, I stole my neighbour’s window box. I didn’t even want it, but when I sobered up, I thought I’d get caught out if I gave it back, so I took it to the tip. I gather you don’t want to know about that?’ His porous red nose shone under the pool table’s trio of lamps. ‘I’m pulling your leg,’ he said to Gina as he laughed.
She smiled. She couldn’t imagine Wally ever being in trouble.
‘What do you want to know? I’ll help in any way I can.’
Gina tucked her loose strands of brown hair behind her ears. ‘Do you remember a man called Calvin Harris? He used to come in here, probably up until his death ten years ago. He was a keen chess player, like you, so we wondered if you knew him.’
Wally let out a burst of laughter. ‘That man started coming in here over twenty years ago thinking he was the best. I beat him with fool’s mate within a minute. The most obvious two moves and he didn’t have a clue. I couldn’t forget Cal. He was keen, though, I’ll give the man his due. He swallowed his humiliation, learnt to play and he became a brilliant contender. You haven’t come here to hear about all our games though, have you?’
Gina inhaled and let out a slow breath. ‘It sounds like you had some fun times, and I wish I could chat to you for longer, but we’re investigating a case. Do you remember a man he was friends with? A younger man who used to go back to his house to play chess with him.’
Wally stared at Gina, his creased eyes almost glassy. ‘There was one man, and I didn’t like him. He started to hang out with Calvin all the time and Calvin stopped meeting us as much.’ He began muttering years under his breath. ‘I’d say it was around 2007, as this man was present when one of the best wins I’ve ever seen happened. Felix Burton, the winner’s name was. I could never forget that moment because the whole room wason their feet as he won. Calvin had brought this friend along to watch.’
‘Would Felix Burton know him?’
‘Felix died two years later and no one knew Calvin’s friend. That man kept himself to himself.’
‘Do you remember Calvin’s friend’s name?’
‘No. I don’t think Calvin ever introduced us. I just remember that he made me feel uneasy and I told Calvin that he shouldn’t be taking strangers back to his house, but he thought the man needed a bit of help in life, a bit of guidance. Calvin was a soft touch. He was the type to take in waifs and strays, which is okay, but this one was weird.’
‘In what way?’