Page 98 of Break My Fall

Gray put an arm around her waist. “I’ve never known you two to fight the way you’ve been lately.”

She looked at Mo’s retreating back. “We don’t usually. I guess mortal danger is bringing out the worst in us.” She dropped her head to Gray’s chest, careful to choose a spot that wouldn’t involve poking herself in the face with his badge.

“I missed you.” Gray’s lips brushed her outer ear. “I wanted to be with you this weekend.”

“Same.” She pulled away and linked her arm with his. They started toward the porch. “Not that I’m upset about it, but why are you here? Aren’t you on duty?”

“I’ve been on duty for the past seventy-two hours. I might have to dash out of here, but I’m hopeful that Gossamer Falls can hold it together for a few hours.” He waved at Granny Quinn. “And I have a standing invitation for Sunday lunch.”

As if talking about lunch triggered it, his stomach rumbled loud enough for her to hear.

“Have you eaten today?”

“Does coffee count?”

“No,” she said. “Did you eat yesterday?”

“I think I ate a pack of crackers last night.”

“Chief Ward, there’s to be none of that mess.” Granny Quinn’s voice was a combination of sharp and concerned. They must have gotten close enough to the porch for her to overhear. “Why didn’t you eat breakfast?”

“Sorry, ma’am. Duty called.”

Granny humphed. “I heard you got called by a bunch of hooligans who got drunk last night and then woke up in the wrong house.”

“What?” Meredith looked from Granny to Gray. “And how would you know, Granny?”

“It was all over the church this morning. If you’d been early, you’d have heard all about it.” There was a hint of censure in the comment.

“You can take that up with Mo, Granny. I was ready to go. He made me late.”

“Mo!” Granny’s voice pierced through the gathering Quinns.

Mo came at a jog. “Yes, ma’am.”

“You best be getting to church a little bit earlier, young man.”

Mo’s jaw twitched, but he gave Granny a sharp salute. “Ma’am, yes ma’am.” And then he made a quick retreat.

Granny looked after him, then turned back to Meredith. “Something you’re not telling me?”

“Meredith!” Aunt Minnie careened down the porch steps and straight into Meredith’s welcoming arms. Saved by Aunt Minnie.

“Minnie Moo! How are you?”

Aunt Minnie looked at Gray. “You brought your policeman.”

Meredith decided not to try to explain that Gray had just appeared. “I did.”

Aunt Minnie looked at Granny. “See, Mama. She got it sorted.”

Granny gave her daughter the same smile she’d been giving her for over sixty years. “Yes, she did. You were right.”

Aunt Minnie’s face was lit with the joy that she almost always seemed to carry with her. “Come on, Merry. Mama made my favorite.”

“Can Gray come too?”

Aunt Minnie gave her a look. “He’s yours, Merry. Of course he can come.”