Page 97 of Break My Fall

“Why do you say that?”

“Now, Chief, you know Johnstone wouldn’t have let her go. He won’t let his other kids go either. Not if he knows they’re his. I hear the ones he knows about, he helps take care of them. Not in person, of course, but he gives the mamas money.”

“Why would he take care of them?” Donovan asked. “I mean, if they don’t know?”

“Just ’cause they don’t know doesn’t mean everybody else don’t know.” Mr. Nolan shook his head. “It’s not right. He doesn’t acknowledge them, but at least he doesn’t leave ’em to starve either. ’Bout the only good thing I can say about the man, and that’s precious little.”

“He can’t very well claim them without ruining his reputation.” Mrs. Nolan’s mouth was pinched into a line so thin you couldn’t see her lips anymore.

“That’s rich.” Brick took a big bite of his beans. “Everybody knows he’s a criminal.”

“Yeah, but they pretend they don’t. Dena says he goes to church. Gives big to the building fund and missions. Has coffee with Kirby once a week.”

“And runs drugs the rest of the time.” Donovan set his fork down. “Do you think he would have hurt this girl? The one whoran off? If she found out he was her dad and was disgusted by him?”

“I don’t rightly know. She was a pretty little thing. And such a pretty name. What was it?”

Gray tensed.

Mrs. Nolan snapped her fingers. “Amara. That’s it. Isn’t that pretty? And so unusual.”

Gray shared a look with Donovan and Brick, and he saw the same realization in their eyes that he knew was in his.

Meredith had helped Marvin Johnstone’s illegitimate daughter escape him.

And somehow, Johnstone knew.


Two days later, Meredith climbed from Mo’s Jeep at Papa and Granny Quinn’s house for their monthly Sunday dinner. Mo fell into step beside her.

They’d only gone five steps when Meredith stopped walking. “Really?” She put her hands on her hips and glared at her barely older brother.

“What?” Mo was all innocence.

“We’re at Papa and Granny’s.” She hissed the words. “You don’t have to stay within reach every minute of the day. No one is going to kill me here.”

Mo stepped closer and his voice was a bare whisper. “Rein in the drama, baby sister.” He cut his eyes to the porch where Granny and Aunt Rhonda sat, despite the fact that it was barely over forty degrees outside. “I know you’re scared and you’re tired of everyone hovering.” He made a sour face. “And you haven’t seen Gray all weekend.” She started to speak, but he put a hand up. “Don’t deny it. Don’t even try.”

She relaxed her body but kept her glare on full beam. A car parked behind them, but she kept her eyes on Mo. “Ever since Gray called on Friday, you and Cal have been insufferable. I didn’t needanyone sleeping in my guest loft, but that’s where you’ve been. I didn’t need a ride to church, but you gave me one. You think I’m scared? You’re right. But your incessant hovering isn’t helping.”

Mo was unrepentant. “We can discuss my perfectly rational levels of caution later. But not here. Papa and Granny don’t know, Mer. If you don’t calm down...”

“Maybe I could help with that.” Gray stepped out from behind Mo and inserted himself into the very small space between Meredith and her brother. Mo immediately stepped back. Meredith didn’t move.

Gray brushed his thumb across her cheek, an action that was becoming familiar and welcome. “I thought I told you not to worry.”

The sound of fake retching came from behind them.

“Mo, I’ve got her,” Gray said, not taking his eyes off Meredith. “Why don’t you go inside and give us a minute.”

Mo grumbled something unintelligible and then reached in between them and pulled her away from Gray.

“Hey!” she protested.

But Mo squeezed her close and whispered in her ear, “I won’t apologize.”

Then he released her and took off toward the house.