“I’m sorry about Bronwyn.”
He gave her a quick glance, then looked back at the fire. “Nothing for you to be sorry about.” Before Meredith could argue, he leaned forward in his chair and looked around her to focus his attention on Gray. “You hurt her again, and I won’t ask her permission to make your life miserable.”
“If you think that’s going to scare me or make me mad, you’re wrong on both counts.” Gray squeezed Meredith’s hand. “I had a sister, and I couldn’t protect her. I will never fault you for doing what I wish I could have done.”
Mo looked to Meredith, then Cal, then back to Gray. Gray could tell he was torn between wanting to ask for more details anddesperately trying to avoid getting into a sensitive conversation. “Fair enough.” Mo stood, walked over to Meredith, and kissed her on the head. “Not trying to be bossy or anything, but you have to work tomorrow and it’s getting late.”
There was laughter in her voice when she said, “Good night, Mo.”
He threw up a hand and walked to his house.
Cal settled back and they talked for another ten minutes before his phone buzzed. He hopped out of his chair, a sappy grin on his face. “My girls are on their way home. Gotta go.”
“What were they doing out this late on a school night?” Gray asked.
“There’s no school tomorrow or Monday, but one of Chad and Naomi’s boys had a basketball game tonight in Waynesville. They went to watch and then went out to eat with everyone after.”
“Why didn’t you go?” Meredith asked.
“I had to work late tonight so I can be off while Eliza’s off.” Cal pointed his finger at Gray, then Meredith. “Behave.” With that, he jogged down the path that led him home.
Gray followed Meredith’s gaze as she watched Cal’s retreating form.
An indulgent smile crossed her face. “That right there is the definition of domestic bliss.”
“True enough. I’m so happy for him, I can’t even tease him about it.” Gray had walked with Cal through some of the hardest days of his life.
“God moves in mysterious ways, that’s for sure.” Meredith stood and walked around the firepit, straightening chairs. “Well, you survived Mo and Cal. Now you have to survive my parents, grandparents, and every Quinn you’ll come into contact with over the next few weeks. Are you sure you’re up for it?”
There was a teasing light in her eyes, but a definite hint of insecurity bled through the question.
“I’m sure.” Running the Quinn gauntlet had never been a concern. Her loving family was one of the best things she had going for her.
“Meredith!” Mo’s voice rang out across the open space between their homes.
“What?” She sounded a bit disgruntled. Gray couldn’t blame her.
“I checked your house, car, and shop a little while ago. You’re bug-free.”
Mo’s response was a nod and another wave, then his door closed and left them alone by the firepit.
Gray appreciated Mo’s efforts on Meredith’s behalf, but now the danger Meredith was in was at the forefront of his mind.
Her family was never going to scare him off. It was the people who bugged her scarf, cut her fuel line, and tried to run her over who terrified him. He took her hand and pulled her close, then walked her to the door of her home. “Meredith?”
“I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and to never harm you again. I want you to live life to the fullest, but right now, with everything so up in the air, please help me hold it together by doing everything you can to stay safe.”
Meredith pressed a kiss to his jaw. “I promise.” Her thumb traced the spot her lips had been. “I’m not always going to check in with you about every move I make. But I also won’t hold your fears against you. Right now, I’ll keep you in the loop. And I’ll pay attention to where I am and who’s around me.”
“Thank you.” He held her close and breathed in the scent of her. Her shampoo had a citrus edge to it, but it was now almostcompletely obscured by wood smoke. “I’ll do everything I can to get you back to your old life.”
Meredith wrapped her arms around his neck. “If it’s all the same to you, I don’t want my old life back.”
Her fingers were doing something glorious to the nape of his neck, and his eyes closed without his permission. He had to force his brain to concentrate when all he wanted to do was sink into her touch. “You don’t want your old life back?”