“No one bares skin in February.”
“I’m not talking about wearing a bikini.” Bronwyn shot her a look. “What is wrong with you? He really does have your brain scrambled. I’m talking about scarves, jackets, sweaters, etc. You can bundle up for the drive over there and in case he decides to take you on a walk.”
“To Gossamer Falls?” Meredith snorted a laugh. “Pretty sure that won’t be happening.”
“Not to Gossamer Falls. He’s too old for that. But there is that gorgeous spot in the park...”
“Yeah. And he’s the chief of police. I doubt he’s going to be big on public displays of affection.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure. The man has been spoiling you all week. Quite publicly.”
“Fair point.”
An hour later, Meredith was dressed comfortably, with layers, and her hair was extra shiny thanks to some miracle spray Bronwyn had pulled from her Mary Poppins makeup bag. She was sipping a chamomile tea that Bronwyn had assured her would help settle her nerves and her stomach.
Both of which had lost their minds in the last fifteen minutes.
Mo had come over earlier and checked everything for listening devices, so she was 99 percent sure she could talk to Bronwyn without anyone hearing. She’d have to risk it.
“What is wrong with me?” She blew on the tea. “I’m a grown-up. I’m not a teenager with a crush.”
“You have more to lose. And you’re smart enough to know that.” Bronwyn’s answer wasn’t unkind or unfeeling. It was the truth Meredith needed to hear.
“Yeah. He’s Cal’s best friend.”
“You’ve turned into a romance trope. You’re dating your brother’s best friend. Except he’s your cousin. But ‘cousin’s best friend’ doesn’t have the same ring to it.” Bronwyn sipped her own tea. A decaf Earl Gray. “Everyone knows the biggest problem with dating your brother’s best friend is that if things go south, it’s not just your relationship that suffers.”
“Aren’t you Suzy Sunshine this evening? You’re supposed to be helping me.”
“I am.”
“I’m not feeling comforted at the moment.”
“Gray wants to be with you enough to risk it. What was it you told me once? That you wanted someone to choose you?”
“Yeah.” She did want that.
“Well, you have your wish. He’s chosen you, the hope and the promise of what a relationship with you could be, over his friendship with Cal. That should settle your nerves. Those two are tight. Gray wouldn’t take the risk if he wasn’t serious about you, and serious about making your relationship work.”
Meredith studied Bronwyn over her teacup, then caught a glimpse of a man approaching and hissed out a warning. “Incoming.”
Bronwyn didn’t miss a beat. She grabbed a magazine from the coffee table, settled herself more deeply into Meredith’s sofa, and was in mid-sip when the front door to Meredith’s tiny house opened.
Mo stood in the doorway. “Is there a reason you aren’t answering your messages?”
Meredith gasped and pulled her phone from her pocket. “Sorry. Been busy.”
Mo took in the room, including Bronwyn as she studiously read the magazine and didn’t look up to acknowledge Mo’s presence. “You don’t look busy. Why did Bronwyn bring all that stuff? Is she in trouble?”
Meredith didn’t miss the way Bronwyn’s mug trembled at Mo’s words. “No. Nothing like that. She came to help me get ready.”
There was a slight lessening of the tension in Mo’s jaw, and then he asked, “Get ready for what?”
Before Meredith could answer, another vehicle pulled in and parked beside the carport. Gray was here.
Mo rolled his head around in a slow circle. Meredith heard his neck crack twice. But all he said was, “Seriously?” Then he walked to the kitchen, poured himself a glass of water, took two cookies from her cookie jar, and planted himself in the chair opposite where Bronwyn sat on the sofa.
Now it was Meredith’s turn to say, “Seriously? What is this? Go home. Both of you.”