He’d pass them along to Faith tomorrow and hope that everything would come to a head soon. There’d been too much death. It needed to stop.
Tuesday morning, Meredith trudged through the icy air, then froze in mid-step when she saw Gray standing at the door to her office, a large thermal box held in his hands. She tried to squash the little flutter that skittered through her body at the sight of him.
No. She was not happy to see him. She was mad. She was not going to fall into his arms because he brought her flowers and ... whatever was in that box.
She kept her mouth closed until she stepped beside him and entered her code to unlock the door. “Good morning, Chief Ward. How are you?”
“I’m fine, Dr. Quinn.”
“That’s good. I’m surprised to see you this early. I heard you were out busting up the lovebirds at the falls last night.”
“How did you hear that?”
“Aunt Minnie left some markers at my place yesterday. I ran them by Papa and Granny’s on my way here. Papa had been listening to the police scanner again.”
Of course.
“And I believe there might have been a certain young Shaw present?” She was fishing, but she was almost positive one of Connor’sboys had been in the group that decided dancing by a waterfall in February was a good idea. Kids these days.
“I’m afraid I can’t say. Confidentiality and all that.”
She humphed. She didn’t offer to let him in, but he followed her inside anyway and set the box on her desk.
“Enjoy.” He turned to go.
“What is it?”
He slowed but didn’t stop walking. “What’s what?”
“What’s in the box?”
“Coffee.” He winked at her and walked out the door and up the street to the police station. Meredith opened the box and gingerly lifted out four small cups. They were numbered. The numbers corresponded to the notes on a card tucked in the middle of the box.
Four different flavors of lattes. Each one unique.
He’d brought her a coffee flight.
A text popped up on her phone. It was from Judy.
What do you think of your latte flight? The chief walked in this morning and asked if I could do something like that. I never have, but I may put it on the special menu. It was so fun mixing the flavors and creamers. And I had to throw in one iced just for you. Hope you enjoy. And don’t even think I won’t be spreading it all over town that Gray Ward is courting you. What?! He was so cute. He watched me make each drink and asked me a ton of questions. Adorable.
Lovely. Just what she didn’t need. And this wasn’t courting. This was ... well ... she had no idea what this was. She wasn’t sure Gray knew what it was either. Was this some long drawn-out apology? Because if it was, it had to stop.
At least she knew they weren’t poisoned. Gray had watchedJudy make each one. And poor Judy. She’d thought it was sweet. It wasn’t sweet. He still suspected that she might have been aiding and abetting the people who attacked her and Bronwyn.
She sipped her hot lattes and iced latte and couldn’t decide which was her favorite. Then she stared at her phone. She would have to say thank you.
Was this part of his plan? To keep her talking to him?
Because if it was, it was working.
The coffees are all delicious. Thank you.
You’re welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed them.