“No. We don’t. They have lawyers of their own. They’ve covered their tracks. And they have the law-abiding citizens terrified. These folks know they’re up to no good, but I don’t imagine that they know how bad it is. Most of the time, the people in Neeson just live their lives. Going to work, going to school, going to church, mowing the grass, buying groceries. They know there’s shady stuff happening at Johnstone’s. I think most of them know Kirby is dirty. But they assume if they mind their manners, the dirt won’t rub off on them.”
“It always rubs off.”
“What can you tell me about this wedding?”
“From what I know, the wedding itself is legit. The bride and groom are young and they’re so in love. The problem isn’t them. The problem is that Johnstonewon’tbe there. He’s taking his wife to the Caribbean for their anniversary. My money’s on him using it as a business trip while she gets some plastic surgery, but that remains to be seen.”
Gray almost turned around to look at the agent. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but how is Johnstone not being there a problem? From where I sit, that seems like a good thing.”
“Oh, it is for the bride and groom. But I have a bad feeling that I can’t shake. And I’ve learned to trust my gut. When Johnstone leaves, he’ll put Ledbetter in charge. Trust me on this, if Ledbetter ever takes over completely, Neeson won’t be safe for anyone. For now, I’m more worried about some of the young bucks thinking this would be the ideal time to take out Ledbetter. Get rid of Trace, and there’s room for a new number two in town.”
“I appreciate the tips, but I still don’t see why it’s important for me to be at that wedding.”
“Simple. Your dentist girl is going to be there. She can’t be there alone. They haven’t given up.”
“Wait, you sent that warning because of her? Because you don’t want her there alone?”
“I did.”
Gray went cold. “What have you heard?”
“It hit the fan last week. That attempted hit-and-run? Not random. I assume you know that.”
“Oh, I know.”
“Wiser heads understand that to mess with a Quinn would bring fire and brimstone down on them. They won’t touch her. They might harass her, but no harm would come to her.”
“Well, somebody is gunning for her.”
“Young bucks who want to prove themselves. And when I say young, I don’t mean teens. I mean twenties and thirties. Old enough to know better but still dumb as rocks.”
“I appreciate the warning. She’s already promised to stay out of Neeson unless someone is with her. And I’ve got my officers keeping an eye on her. Her brother’s tracking her phone. We know where she is at all times. But she’s determined to do the flowers for that wedding. Couldn’t talk her out of it, so I’m her plus-one.”
“These idiots are opportunists. I don’t see them coming after her with you around.”
“Will you be at the wedding?”
“I’ll be nearby if I can. The kids getting married are good kids. They don’t deserve drama.”
Gray didn’t try to hide his amusement. “I don’t know you, but I didn’t expect you to be a romantic.”
“Man, the only way I survive is to keep believing there’s some good in the world.”
“I hear you.” Police work, even in small towns, could destroy a man’s soul. Undercover work? That was brutal. “I’ll do my best to be sure you can keep on believing.”
“Appreciate it. I’m gone.” Gray heard him take a few steps, then pause. “Hey, not my place to say, really, but don’t be too hard on the kids tonight. They’re young and stupid, but they aren’t messing people up or doing drugs.”
Gray kept his words in mind as he walked into sight, and in the dim light of the small lanterns they’d set up, he watched the teenagers pale under his gaze. “There’s a sign at the trailhead that says this place is closed after dark,” he called out. “I suggest you head on back home.”
The place was empty of everyone but him within two minutes. But Gray couldn’t shake the sense that someone was out there.Watching. Maybe listening. He’d scanned his car and checked his clothes for listening and tracking devices before he left the office. He didn’t want to put the undercover agent in any more danger than he was already in by accidentally giving him away.
Gray walked into the trees and waited another thirty minutes. None of the kids returned. And no one came after him.
Had someone been out there and slipped away? Would tonight’s meeting end the life of the agent who was trying to take down the criminals in Neeson?
He drove back to his office and studied the documents the undercover cop had given him.