Page 64 of Break My Fall

Cal joined her at the table. “Not sure if you’ve noticed, but most criminals are all Sheetrock and no studs.”

Mo laughed. “I prefer to say their cornbread’s not done in the middle.”

“Papa says they’re as smart as bait.” Meredith grimaced.

“Yeah. Pretty sure that’s what happened in this case.” Cal reached for her hand and squeezed it. “The bait didn’t survive.”

Meredith looked from Cal to Mo.

Mo leaned against the counter. “Gray confirmed that the truck was stolen. No real surprise there. But he got a call late last night from a deputy with Buncombe County. They found the truck. Two dead bodies inside.”

A shiver rocked through Meredith. “How did they die?”

“Hard to say,” Mo answered. “The interior of the truck went up in flames. Isolated area. No identification on the bodies yet. But they got a partial match on the tag and general body style. Then, they found a VIN that hadn’t been destroyed in the fire. The fire happened late Monday night or early the next morning. They investigated when someone noticed the smoke on their way to work Tuesday.”

“Obviously, there’s no proof yet. But it’s a good bet that the two bodies were the assailants. They failed. They died for it.” Cal’s expression was grim.

“My guess is they were going to die anyway.” Mo frowned down at the table. “Success or failure. It didn’t matter. They had to go.”

“Who are these people?” Meredith had no appetite but forced herself to keep drinking her breakfast.

“These are the people who are coming after you.” Mo had no give in his voice.

“I hate to say this, but has it occurred to you that maybe I wasn’t the target? Maybe they weren’t coming after me at all? Bronwyn’s family is ... some of them are okay, but they aren’t always rational.”

“Oh, believe me. The thought has more than crossed my mind. The bottom line is that we don’t know and we may never know. So you both have to be on guard until we resolve the situation in Neeson once and for all.” Mo ran a hand over his scruff. “I can’t see a scenario where you’re in danger from anyone other than the Neeson crowd. The Pierces have no bone to pick with you. So when Neeson is dealt with, that gets you off the hot seat. I’m not so sure it will get Bronwyn in the clear.”

Cal nodded in agreement. “Her family is messed up. And this whole mess with Steven being in jail. I don’t understand it, but I know there’s drama there.”

“She’s tough,” Meredith reminded both men. “She survived her board meeting last month, and she’ll survive whatever they throw at her now.”

Mo didn’t comment, but the white-knuckled grip on his cup spoke volumes.

Cal’s phone rang, and he answered with a clipped, “Shaw.”

Meredith didn’t need to put him on speakerphone to hear Gray’s voice. “Cal, I need to interview Meredith and Bronwyn today.”

“So why are you calling me?”

Meredith pressed her leg against Cal’s, and when he looked at her she mouthed, “Be nice.”

She didn’t want to be nice to Gray herself, but she didn’t want to mess up Cal’s friendship with Gray either.

“You know why I’m calling you.” Gray sounded ... tired? Frustrated? Lost? “Look, do you think she’s up for it or not?”

“It just so happens, I’m sitting right beside Meredith. Hang on.” Cal didn’t mute the phone or cover the speaker or anything. “Meredith, Gray needs to interview you today. Are you up for it?”

She glared at him. “After lunch. Yes. I’ll come to the station.”

Cal put the phone back to his ear. “You heard that?”

“I hate you.” Gray didn’t sound lost anymore. He sounded furious.

“Too bad.” Cal looked at Meredith again. “You want to call Beep?”

She nodded.

“She’ll probably have Bronwyn with her.”