“You’re right. Let’s pray we can resolve everything peacefully.”
They chatted for a few more minutes, then disconnected. Gray worked until 11:15 and then made the drive out to John and Catherine Quinn’s.
He parked beside a familiar car. What was Mrs. Frost doing here?
Doug Quinn walked out of the house and paused on the front porch. When Gray met his eyes, the look he received wasn’t hostile, but it wasn’t friendly either. Doug strode down the steps, a set of keys in his hand, and met Gray at the bottom. “Chief.”
Great. They were back to Chief instead of Gray.
“Mr. Quinn.”
Doug shook his head and extended a hand to shake Gray’s. “Good to see you. I hate to run. Mom tried to convince me to stayfor lunch, but I promised Mrs. Frost I’d have her car checked out while she’s here.” He cut his eyes to the house, then whispered, “She wants to sell it. Asked me to give it a look and tell her how much it’s worth.”
Gray kept his voice low. “Please tell me she doesn’t plan to buy another car with the proceeds?”
Doug grinned. “She told Mom that she’s thinking about a truck.”
Gray dropped his head in defeat.
“Mom told her she needed to stop driving because she was going to hurt somebody.”
“Did it work?”
“Not yet. But Mom’s pretty persuasive.”
“Everyone in a ten-county radius will be safer when she stops driving, so let’s pray Granny Quinn can work a miracle.”
“I’m on it.” Doug climbed into Mrs. Frost’s car and had to adjust the seat significantly before he cranked the engine and drove away.
Gray watched him go, then climbed the steps to the front door. He’d survived Meredith’s dad. Now to see if he could survive her grandparents. And Mrs. Frost.
“Come on in, son.” Papa Quinn held the door open before Gray reached it. “My Catherine has been cooking up a storm this morning.”
Gray entered the Quinn home, and despite his concern about how Papa and Granny Quinn might feel toward him, his entire body relaxed. He had no idea how Granny Quinn did it. The house was large and old, but it never felt cold or remote. Walking into their home was like walking into a hug.
And today, it smelled like heaven. Something with onion and garlic, maybe tomato? Whatever Granny Quinn was cooking, it was going to be delicious.
Papa Quinn led him to the kitchen where Granny Quinn sat at a large round table. Mrs. Frost sat beside her. They looked up when Gray walked in, and while Mrs. Frost’s smile was polite, Granny’s was warm. “Well, well. I told John you’d come.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Catherine.” There was a chiding note in Papa’s voice.
“What? We’re not gonna dance around it. He’s at odds with our Meredith. But she won’t give us any details, so I don’t reckon he will either. Still, he came when asked. He’s got a spine, and I like a man with a spine.”
Mrs. Frost nodded in agreement. “Don’t got no use for the ones with no spine myself.”
“Come sit.” Granny Quinn pointed to a chair. “And don’t worry. I won’t ask you for details. I have too many children and grandchildren to let myself get caught up in their relationships. I let the Lord sort it out. He knows what he’s doing.”
Gray wasn’t quite sure if he should be comforted by the idea of Granny Quinn setting the Almighty on him or not. But at least she wasn’t mad at him. He took the seat and said yes to the cup of coffee Papa Quinn offered.
“I’ve got a pot of soup on and cornbread in the oven. It’ll be ready in a few minutes.” Granny patted Mrs. Frost’s hand. “Janet brought me some of her homemade muscadine jelly, so we decided to make us a batch of biscuits too.”
Papa leaned toward Gray. “I’d appreciate it if you don’t mention that to Carol. She wants us to eat less bread, but I don’t see the point in it myself.”
“Young people these days.” Mrs. Frost raised her eyes to the heavens. “They mean well, but sometimes I just don’t know.”
Gray mimed zipping his lips. “I won’t say a word. Especially since I fully intend to be complicit in your illegal activities. Wouldn’t want to incriminate myself.”